Trump’s Terribly Tyrannical Clusterf*ck Begins……
…and he’s not even in office yet.
Submitted by The Resident ECO/FIN Analyst
SOTN Exclusive
“The BRICS nations will be hit with 100% tariffs on their goods if they try to introduce a reserve currency to rival the dollar, US President-elect Donald Trump has warned.”
Really, how could any POTUS be so stupid as to threaten the largest Economic Union on Earth — BRICS plus many other allied nations — with a 100% tariff on all goods, especially in view of the imploding US economy after 4 catastrophic years of Bidenomics?!?!
The unparalleled and unrelenting inflation purposefully manufactured by Team Biden to forever decimate the middle class has already pushed prices of all good and services to stratospheric levels. And now this across the board and across the planet tariff threat from Trump. Really?!?!
Yeah, really stupid … as in stupidity on super steroids.
Yes, the first 25% tariff threat Trump issued against both Mexico and Canada was a very good move, but only because both of those enemies of the American people needed to feel some serious pain very quickly in order to shut down both borders to the quite deliberate illegal alien invasions staged by the NWO globalist cabal. See: Talk about a ten-thousand ton TRUMP-launched neutron bomb…..
However, the BRICS Alliance, along with their many affiliated Global South nations, is an entirely different story. For example, the vast majority of those countries are extremely injured victims of America’s Almighty Dollar hegemony over many decades.
As a matter of historical fact, the US government has weaponized the Petrodollar against every single country that dared to leave the US-UK plantation since the Federal Reserve Act of 1913. Fast forward to the Third Millennium and each successive U.S. administration has literally beat up every slave nation who so much as looked like they were asserting their independence from the Washington Consensus.
And Trump is going to force them all to stay on the highly oppressive and overwhelmingly destructive Zio-Anglo-American-managed reservation against their individual and collective wills.
“The idea that the BRICS Countries are trying to move away from the Dollar while we stand by and watch is OVER,” Trump wrote on his Truth Social platform on Saturday.
The preceding excerpt from the referenced article is exactly why the title of this post reads: “Trump’s Terribly Tyrannical Clusterf*ck Begins……”
Fat chance, asshole!
And, in the meantime, Trump plans to further sacrifice the American people in the process of this patently fake MAGA move. Because if any of those tariffs were actually put into place, countless American households would be driven into bankruptcy of which many are on the cusp of right now.
Like we said, get ready for the most devastating domestic economic and financial CLUSTERFUCK in U.S. history—bar none, if Trump forces a global trade war via this tariff fiasco!
The Resident ECO/FIN Analyst
State of the Nation
December 1, 2024
SOTN Editor’s Note: It’s obvious that Trump’s “SUPER STUPID” economic advisors have inadvisably pushed him to make this utterly ridiculous and regrettable threat. And, once made, he can never completely take it back without looking very weak and very “stupid”, as the analyst wrote above. See: WTF!!! JPMorgan Chase CEO Jamie Dimon Is Secretly Advising Trump on Policy Agenda Before and After His Massive Win: Report
However, that’s not the real issue here. The true problem, which has just been exposed by Trump’s exceedingly dangerous form of international intimidation, is that the President-elect just made a LOT more enemies around the world, and at a time when the United States needs all the friends it can get, particularly after being directly complicit in the horrific Gaza Genocide and Lebanon Holocaust.
So, it appears that the many hardcore Zionists who populate Trump’s cabinet are hellbent on destroying the American Republic even more than they already have after years of brazen warmongering and stealthy bio-terrorism worldwide, as well as constant financial terrorism and economic sabotage via the various illicit sanction regimes. Who doesn’t know by now that MAGA is really MIGA, and that the latter was launched with the explicit purpose of destroying the American Republic—FOREVER!
Which means that the Patriot Movement better do everything in their power to quickly correct the course of the USS Titanic of which Trump is the captain. He’s supposed to take his wrecking ball to the Deep State, US Intel Community, the Mainstream Media, the U.S. Criminal & Civil Justice Systems, the FED & IRS, etc., not the American economy.
More than anything, the Patriot Movement really needs to understand that it’s impossible to “Make America Great Again” at the expense of the rest of the world, which is why the entire world community of nations so detests American Exceptionalism and Washington’s never-ending gunboat diplomacy. In point of fact, the only way the USA can ever recover from the 4-year Biden cataclysm is to collaborate as never before with their friends and enemies alike.
Which means that it’s time for Trump to use his BIG stick at home against the rogue U.S. Federal Government, not the BRICS or any other international collective that’s only trying to break free from the yoke of American imperialism. That yoke, first and foremost, is an economic/financial one, so the Petrodollar must quickly be relegated to the ash heap of history—POST-HASTE!!! Which means that the Federal Reserve System must be dissolved and the IRS shut down with all deliberate speed.
*By the way, what really happened here is, just because Trump got such quick and excellent results from the Mexico/Canada tariff threat, he found a new toy weapon that he thought he could aim at anybody to produce the same outcome. Quite the simpleton he is, especially when goaded on by his treacherous America-hating advisors.
Comment posted below this article at The Burning Platform:
Posted by Anonymous
That comment from Trump was a shot that rang out across the World.
I can not even describe the anger it has generated in foreign media.
Through that outburst and Mafia like threat he has injected nitros into the de-dollarization engine.
BRICS came about because of Dollar weaponization and its unlimited creation (out of thin air) that enables the US to pay for endless wars it could not otherwise even entertain.
The arrogance is simply astounding.
It is precisely this sort of absolutely outrageous and hubristic bullshit that Trump is prone to blurting out that will likely get us all killed if he tries that crap with Russia.
His handlers clearly know this as they are ensuring he keeps that big mouth shut on matters associated with the Russian-Ukraine war. His lack of verbal intervention in this matter is conspicuous by its absence. That is a good thing when Russia is now out of earnings and on a hair trigger for idiocy from the West.
If Trump does not walk back that outrageous comment about the US Dollar, which was so crude it was not even a veiled threat, but an actual one, the Dollar will be dumped faster than (insert your preferred crass comparison here).