*Even more anciently, this Babylonian Rādhānite merchant-banker pagan religion began usury and human slavery in Kish, ca. 5300-4300 BC (the area of Babylon renamed Rādhān). The King of Kish was the first Babylonian king after the Great Flood. They renamed themselves “Ashkenazi Jews” in the 11th century to divert attention from their Babylonian Rādhānite pagan origins, we believe.


AFI. (Jan. 13, 2023). Elon Musk hides his 4,000+ year old Babylonian Radhanite pagan merchant-banker religion that leveraged King Solomon’s 666 Ophir gold. Americans for Innovation.

Fig. 1—Elon Reeve Musk. Gaslighter-in-chief for the 4,000+ year old Babylonian Rādhānite merchant-banker pagan religion.

Reader Note: We are continuing to process the research sources and will be adding those links over the following days. Please return for this critical evidence. The latest update (Mar. 05, 2023) is Fig. 3 below: Elon Reeve Musk Biography and Timeline and additional information on the British Babylonian Radhanite merchant-banker pagans who selected him.

Jan. 13, 2023—Satan, also called Lucifer, gains a foothold in a person’s soul through pride and anger – the foundations of prideful and angry modern world banking, trade, pharmacy, science, media, government, education, publishing, technology, and commerce.

Wikipedia and legacy media gaslight Musk’s history in a blizzard of misdirection, even publishing trivia about his past dating habits. See Elon Musk Wikipedia.

bookmark: #elon-musk-darpa-fraud | https://tinyurl.com/9h9t533y


Fig. 2—Gabriel, McKibben. (Jan. 13, 2023). Elon Musk is a DARPA fraud. American Intelligence Media, Americans for Innovation. YouTube version. (Raw *.mp4 video file); check your Downloads folder. Video: AIM/AFI.

bookmark: #beware-of-elon-musk | https://tinyurl.com/5h4d2dbf


Fig. 3— Gabriel, McKibben.(Mar. 02, 2023). Beware of Elon Musk. American Intelligence Media, Americans for Innovation. YouTube version. Raw *.mp4 video file); check your Downloads folder. Video: AIM/AFI.

bookmark: #babylon-to-london | https://tinyurl.com/3f5mp29n

BABYLON TO LONDONGabriel, McKibben. (May 29, 2023). Babylon to London. Infotunes.

Fig. 4—Gabriel, McKibben. (May 29, 2023). Babylon to London. Infotunes. Bitchute version. (Raw *.mp4 video file); check your Downloads folder. Video: AIM/AFI.

bookmark: #elon-x | https://tinyurl.com/pn36v7dd

ELON XGreg Reese. (Jul. 26, 2023). Elon, X, and the Epitome of a Front Man. Reese Report

Fig. 5— Greg Reese. (Jul. 26, 2023). Elon, X, and the Epitome of a Front Man. The Reese Report. (Raw *.mp4 video file); check your Downloads folder. Video: The Reese Report.
Bookmark: #musk-bio-timeline | https://tinyurl.com/ntst4htj

Use the timeline bibliography links to source hard evidence of this exposé, if it is not already linked in the text of this post. Additions, corrections and errata are requested and solicited. Send to afi@leader.com

Elon Reeve Musk. (Compiled Feb. 21, 2023). Biography and Timeline. Anonymous Patriots.

Fig. 6Elon Reeve Musk. (Compiled Feb. 21, 2023). Biography and Timeline. Anonymous Patriots.

bookmark: #greed-gone-mad | https://tinyurl.com/289t3ner


Unknown. (Mar. 02, 2023). The U.S. has been captured by foreign and corporate interests, namely the British Pilgrims Society Babylonian Radhanite merchant-banker pagans. TheTrooper.

Fig. 7—Unknown. (Mar. 02, 2023). The U.S. has been captured by foreign and corporate interests, namely the British Pilgrims Society Babylonian Radhanite merchant-banker pagans. TheTrooper. Bitchute Version. (Raw *.mp4 video file). Video: AIM/AFI.

Click here to enlarge image
Editors. (Mar. 04, 2023). Where is America’s US Army war material in the Ukraine? Ask British General Sir Gordon Messenger, he tracks it thru QINETIQ GROUP PLC (foreign corporate interests). Anonymous Patriots.

World Economic Forum (WEF), Bilderberg Group and Elon Musk (currently making Twitter a conservative honey pot) are along for the ride, taking orders, like good little lemmings.

Editors. (Mar. 04, 2023). Where is America’s US Army war material in the Ukraine? Ask British General Sir Gordon Messenger, he tracks it thru QINETIQ GROUP PLC (foreign corporate interests). Anonymous Patriots.

bookmark: #stop-pilgrims-society-bullets | https://tinyurl.com/2p9dpt8m

GET BEHIND US YOU PAGAN PILGRIMS SOCIETY MERCHANT-BANKERSGabriel, McKibben. (Mar. 16, 2023). SOURCING THE SABOTAGE! Undone by Usury, Mapping the Malice. The Prather Point.

Fig. 8—Gabriel, McKibben. (Mar. 16, 2023). SOURCING THE SABOTAGE! Undone by Usury, Mapping the Malice. The Prather Point. Rumble Version. (Raw *.mp4 video file). Video: Prather Point. Click here to download this image.

We are supposed to believe that 51-year old Elon Musk has formed 15 companies (almost one a year counting subsidiaries) since 2000. This makes him either a Babylonian Rādhānite merchant-banker cutout, or a fake—either way, his hype is all gaslighting.

Musk revealed (see Fig. 6 below) his fraud and gaslighting in a recent Jay Leno interview on Sep. 15, 2022 where he said “Patents are for the weak” and “Most patents are B.S.” Hypocritically (this is evident gaslighting), Tesla holds almost 1,200 patents, and all Musk’s social technology is founded on the inventions of Leader Technologies, Columbus, Ohio that he helped Mark Zuckerberg’s Babyloninan Rādhānite merchant-banker handlers to steal in 2001-2003 as a part of the “PayPal Mafia.”

bookmark: #elon-musk-gaslights-jay-leno-on-patents | https://tinyurl.com/4bn4dtv9

Fig. 9Elon Musk, SpaceX. (Sep 15, 2022). @24s, “I don’t care about patents… patents are for the weak . . . patents are like landmines in warfare… they don’t help advance things… they just stop others from following you… and most patents are B.S.” interview with Jay Leno. Jay Leno’s Garage, CNBC Prime. Reproduced for educational purposes only. Fair Use relied upon. Source: https://www.cnbc.com/video/2022/09/15/new-elon-musk-shows-jay-his-spacex-rocket-engines.html and https://youtu.be/DpZj9mvcJYs?t=24

The Musk family Babylonian Rādhānite pagan religious tentacles wind through Britain, Canada, Switzerland, America, and Southern Africa.

Here is a quick overview of our findings:

  1. FANTASICAL 96-PAGE WIKIPEDIA:Elon Musk’s Wikipedia entry is wickedly fake at 96 pages—almost two pages for each year of Elon Musk’s life—mostly interwoven lies peppered with a little truth now and again.In our experience, the longer the Wikipedia entry, the more the person is a cardboard cutout for Babylonian Rādhānite merchant-banker religion. For example, Mike Pompeo’s Wikipedia is 57 pgs., Mark Zuckerberg’s 48 pgs., Candace Owens’ 37 pgs., Ron DeSantis 56 pgs., Ivanka Trump 50 pgs., Jared Kushner 67 pgs., George Soros 64 pgs., Bill Clinton 69 pgs., Volodymr Zelenskyy 71 pgs., Alexander Hamilton 59 pgs., and Hillary Clinton 95 pgs.
  2. Sir Frederick Haldiman (1718-1791). Elon Musk's maternal 8th-generation great uncle, brother of Jacob Haldeman, Elon Musk's 8th-generation grandfather. Governor General of Quebec, British general who attacked at Bunker Hill, spy chief of Alexander Hamilton, Agent No. 7. Oversaw Alexander Hamilton's founding of America's first four banks, funded by the British Babylonian Radhanite merchant-banker religious cult.

    Joshua Haldeman spinning rope ca. 1926 (Haldeman Papers).

    Fig. 10Joshua Norman Haldeman (1902-1974).
    Born in Pequot, Minnesota on Nov. 25, 1902 to John Elon Haldeman (b, 1902; d. Aug. 9, 1909, Brits, Transvaal, South Africa), and Almeda Jane (Norman) Haldeman. Almeda may have been the earliest chiropractor known to practice in Canada.Haldeman was director of the International Chiropractors’ Association,
    D.C., Palmer School of Chiropractic (1922-1926, Davenport, Iowa).Between 1938-1941, became the Canadian president of Technocracy Inc., an international political action group founded in 1933 and still operating today. Between 1941-1950 before he moved to South Africa, Haldeman was a leader in the Social Credit Assoc. and Party of Canada.Haldeman was arrested on Oct. 14, 1940 for operating an organization named “Technocracy Incorporated.”Haldeman’s bio says “During the war, Dr. Haldeman was so busy with his political
    and economic research that he had little time for his practice and lived at the YMCA.” We know now that at that time, the YMCA was being used by British and American Babylonian Radhanite merchant-banker cultists to support Russian Bolshevism, push forward communism in China through Mao Tse-tung, and organize the United Nations. Given his strenuous political activity, he was most certainly interlocked with the British Pilgrims Society and its pagan Babylonian Rādhānite drive for world control.Curiously, Haldmen Rādhānite to South Africa with no prior connections or relationships. The propaganda says for adventure and better weather. This is dubious. Whistleblowers, including his former nanny who goes by the moniker @shalomgirl5780 on YouTube, places Haldeman in San Fancisco for many years after his death and working with C.I.A. mind control programs at Stanford University. His extensive international travel to promote chiropractic medicine is also dubious. It is likely was a cover story for his work for the Pilgrims Society at British MI6 intelligence and its lackies in the C.I.A. and the Tavistock Institute.He is also said to have become fascinated by the “Lost City of the Kalahari Desert,” Today that area is a Rothschild-De Beers mining concession. The Rothschilds and the Pilgrim Society were/are heavily involved in the Stanford mind control experiments.

    Curiously, Elon Musk’s paternal grandfather, Walter Henry James Musk (see below) was actually stationed inside the underground Premier Mines owned by De Beers (Rothschilds) during WWII, ostensibly repairing vehicles, but more likely guarding Solomon’s mines for DeBeers and the Rothschilds.

    Ask yourself why Joshua crated up a small airplane in Canada and shipped it to South Africa. It would have been much easier to just buy one in South Africa, unless of course, the plane had secret spy equipment installed; or, it would be used to fake his death with untraceable parts.

    Haldeman’s well-written but lengthy and verbose story just does not add up—too much misdirection to be real. We sense the devil hiding between the lines.

    TECHNOCRACY AND SOCIAL CREDIT:Joshua Norman Haldeman (1902-1974), Elon Musk’s maternal grandfather, a chiropractor, founded “Technocracy Incorporated,” the “Technocracy Party,” and the “Social Credit Association” in Canada. Haldeman heavily promoted a technocratic worldview about economy and biology that his grandson continues to promote.

    We are evaluating and extensive amount of very credible whistleblower information that Joshua Haldeman faked his death (alleged plane crash) and worked for decades in San Francisco with the C.I.A. mind control experiments in San Francisco at Stanford University.

    This would place Haldeman in interlocked relationship with Larry Ellison (Oracle “founder”) and his convicted pedophile baby daddy and First Church of Psycho-Science (Oakland, CA) founder Rev. Dr. Hugh Robert “Sinclair” Moore (1873-1944). SeeOracle’s Larry Ellison hides the Dark Arts of Psycho-Science.

  3. NIXON CABINET, HALDMEMAN, KISSINGER, WATERGATE, GOLD, OIL CURRENCY & THE PILGRIMS SOCIETY:H.R. Haldeman (1926-1993), a common maternal 10-generation grandson of Elon Musk, was Nixon’s White House chief of staff. Haldeman helped orchestrate the Pilgrims Society’s takedown of Richard Nixon as U.S. president, led by Henry Kissinger in order to kill the gold standard and institute oil-dollar fiat currency. He was sent to prison as a slap on the hand, then released just 18 months later.
  4. SWISS BLOOD INTERLOCKED WITH SCHWAB, FAUCI (ABYSS): The Haldeman blood connections emanate from Bern-Zurich Switzerland, closely tied to Klaus Schwab and Anthony Fauci (maternal “Abyss” family; ABYSS, as in Satan’s bottomless chasm, hell). Fauci’s maternal Abyss name is certainly appropriate for Dr. [the “V” word] Death.
  5. SWISS BLOOD INTERLOCKED WITH OSS, MI6, C.I.A., BANK FOR INTERNATIONAL SETTLEMENTS, SOLOMON’S GOLD BULLION, FIVE EYES, PILGRIMS SOCIETY: The Babylonian Rādhānite Office of Strategic Services (OSS), William “Wild Bill” Donovan (1883-1959) (Part I , Part II) and the Bank for International Settlements (BIS) were/are headquartered in Bern, Switzerland during WWII. OSS “stay behind” spy networks were controlled by British MI6 and gave birth to the C.I.A. and “Five Eyes” (formed in London in 1946 by British MI6 with the FBI in tow) as a private intelligence operation for the merchant-banker pagan network of the Pilgrims Society.

    Special Note:
    The Pilgrims Society of the United States reveres lionizes and has used The William J. Donovan Memorial Foundation for its 501(c)(3) non-profit status for years. In addition, the U.S. Special Operations Command Center at MacDill Air Force Base near Tampa, Florida dedicated its auditorium in memory of Major General William J. Donovan on June 16, 1989 according to C.I.A. documents declassifed on Dec. 04, 2013. This is yet more hard evidence that the British Pilgrims Society, MI-6, MI-5, GCHQ, C.I.A., NSA, FBI, DIA and the Pentagon are one and the same.
  6. Sir Frederick Haldiman (1718-1791). Elon Musk's maternal 8th-generation great uncle, brother of Jacob Haldeman, Elon Musk's 8th-generation grandfather. Governor General of Quebec, British general who attacked at Bunker Hill, spy chief of Alexander Hamilton, Agent No. 7. Oversaw Alexander Hamilton's founding of America's first four banks, funded by the British Babylonian Radhanite merchant-banker religious cult.

    Fig. 11Sir Frederick Haldiman (1718-1791). Elon Musk’s maternal 8th-generation great uncle, brother of Jacob Haldeman, Elon Musk’s 8th-generation grandfather. Governor General of Quebec, British general who attacked at Bunker Hill, spy chief of Alexander Hamilton, Agent No. 7. Oversaw Alexander Hamilton’s founding of America’s first four banks, funded by the British Babylonian Rādhānite merchant-banker religious cult.

    See Sir Frederick Haldimand, Governor in Chief, Quebec. (Jan. 17, 1783). Proclamation. British Canada.

    See also Alexander Baring. (Nov. 16, 1797). To Alexander Hamilton from Alexander Baring. Founders Online.

    NOTE: This 1904 Haldimand history whitewashes all relevant mentions to banking, currency, gold, silver and conspiracies with George Washington aid-de-camp Alexander Hamilton.See Jean N. McIlwaith. (1904). Sir Frederick Haldmimand, The Makers of Canada. Morang & Co.

    William Haldimand (b. Sep. 9, 1784; d. Sep. 20, 1862), Sir Frederick’s nephew, was Member of Parliament (1820-1826) and director of the Bank of England (1809-1824)
    along with notorius slave and opium banker-traders Alexander Baring [Baring Bank, underwriter of the Boston Brahmins opium and slave trade, incl. St. Kitts, Alexander Hamilton’s birthplace (“formed wide connections with American [Babylonian Radhanite banking] houses”)], Member of Parliament, Privy Councillor (1834-1848), President of the Board of Trade (1834-1835); David Barclay(Barclay Bros. Bank, Anglo-Mexican Mining)

    BRITISH MILTARY ARISTOCRACY FROM THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION INTERLOCKED, ALEXANDER HAMILTON, AMERICA’S FIRST FOUR BANKS: Sir Frederick Haldiman (1718-1791), a maternal blood uncle relative, and Swiss mercenary general, born in the Canton of Bern, later became the British Crown governor of Quebec, Canada during the American Revolution. He was the British general who fought American patriots at Bunker Hill, led the Rothschild-funded German Hessian mercenaries, was the spy handler for Alexander Hamilton (1757-1804, Agent No. 7) and his father-in-law general Philip Schuyler (1797-1798, Agent No. 2), helped orchestrate The City of London banker takeover of America’s first four banks through Alexander Hamilton: Bank of North America (now Wells Fargo Bank), First Bank of the United States (now BNY, HSBC, Barings, Rothschild), Manhattan Bank (now JP Morgan Chase), Bank of New York (now BNY Mellon).

  7. UPENN NOW PROMOTING AN INTERLOCKING OF MUSK WITH SCHWAB AND SWISS GOVERNMENT FOUNDERS: Ivy League UPenncompares Musk to Alfred Escher(1819-1882)—a rapacious Swiss monopolist associated with Klaus Schwab, founder of Credit Suisse, Swiss Life, founder of the modern Swiss canton system of government, founder of ETH (Klaus Schwab’s technical university in Zurich where his father, Eugen Schwab (1899-1982), installed a Nazi nuclear reactor), Swiss intelligence, Swiss taxation, railroads, heavy industry.
  8. Harry Musk (1863-1917), Elon Musk’s paternal great grandfather, British bricklayer, emigrated to South Africa after the 2nd Boer War (ended May 31, 1902).

    Fig. 12—Harry Musk (1863-1917), Elon Musk’s paternal great grandfather, British bricklayer, emigrated to South Africa after the 2nd Boer War (ended May 31, 1902).

    GREAT GRANDFATHER A BRITISH BRICKYAYER, EMIGRATED TO SOUTH AFRICA LIKELY AIDED BY THE YMCA, WHO LATER PUSHED FORWARD MAO TSE-TUNG IN CHINA, AND THE UNITED NATIONS; FAKE CUT OUTS LIKE THE MUSKS ARE A THING IN THE BRITISH IMPERIAL EMPIRE. Harry Musk (1863-1917), Elon’s paternal great grandfather, was a British bricklayer from Suffolk County, East Anglia, UK, emigrated to South Africa after the 2nd Boer War, likely with the help of the YMCA and Salvation Army. He died a bricklayer.

  9. Harry Musk (1863-1917), Elon Musk’s paternal great grandfather, British bricklayer, emigrated to South Africa after the 2nd Boer War (ended May 31, 1902).

    Fig. 13—Walter Henry James Musk (1917-1986), Elon Musk’s paternal grandfather, was stationed as a shop general in the underground Premier Mines (Feb. 1942 – May 1943) owned by De Beers (Rothschilds).

    ROTHSCHILD DE BEERS MINES (CECIL RHODES INCORPORATED) NURTURED ELON’S GRANDFATHER IN GOLD, DIAMONDS AND EMERALDS.Walter Henry James Musk (1917-1986), Henry’s son and Elon’s paternal South African army grandfather, married Briton Cora Amelia Musk (née Robinson) (1923-2011) who had emigrated from Liverpool on Aug. 03, 1956, was stationed actually inside the De Beers underground Premier Mines during WWII—a source of many of the world’s largest diamonds, including the Crown Jewels in London.

  10. Erol Musk (1946-present). Elon Musk’s father. Half owner in the Gemfields Emerald Mines controlled by the British Pilgrims Society, De Beers (Rothschilds) & Lord Mark Malloch-Brown (Investec), George Soros’ longtime partner.

    Fig. 14—Erol Graham Musk (1946-present). Elon Musk’s father. Half owner in the Gemfields Emerald Mines controlled by the British Pilgrims Society, De Beers (Rothschilds) & Lord Mark Malloch-Brown (Investec), George Soros’ longtime partner.

    ELON’S FATHER WAS GIVEN A HALF STAKE IN A CLOSED-TO-THE-PUBLIC ZAMBIAN EMERALD MINE, MAKING HIM FABULOUSLY WEALTHY. Erol Graham Musk (1946-present), Elon’s father, was given half ownership in a Zambian emerald mine, controlled by De Beers, that launders many billions of dollars into US Treasuries every year via its British shell companies. Such a gift from De Beers and the Babylonian Rādhānite merchant-banker Rothschilds never happens without the price of your soul—his son, Elon Reeve Musk (1971-present) was sacrificed to be groomed for the pagan merchant-banker religion.

    Click image to enlarge and view in UK Companies House reportGEMFIELDS GROUP LIMITED, Co. No. BR021377 (Guernsey). (Dec. 21, 2021). Statement of details of parent law and other information for an overseas company, p. 72. Companies House (UK).

    Fig. 15—Errol Graham Musk’s (therefore Elon Reeve Musk’s) Babylonian Radhanite pagan merchant-banker controllers: GEMFIELDS GROUP LIMITED, Co. No. BR021377 (Guernsey). (Dec. 21, 2021). Statement of details of parent law and other information for an overseas company, p. 72. Companies House (UK).

    Important Note: Investec is owned and controlled by Lord Mark Malloch-Brown, British Pilgrims Society, close collaborator with George Soros, United Nations, SmartMatic, Dominion Voting Systems and U.N. immigration tyranny.

  11. Asmodeus. The demon of lust. Test. of Solomon, transl. in "Jewish Quarterly Review," xi. 20.

    Fig. 16—Asmodeus. The demon of lust. Test. of Solomon, transl. in “Jewish Quarterly Review,” xi. 20.”I am called Asmodeus among mortals, and my business is to plot against the newly wedded, so that they may not know one another. And I sever them utterly by many calamities; and I waste away the beauty of virgins and estrange their hearts. . . . I transport men into fits of madness and desire when they have wives of their own, so that they leave them and go off by night and day to others that belong to other men; with the result that they commit sin and fall into murderous deeds.”

    “Asmodeus then was compelled [by Solomon] to help in the building of the Temple; and, fettered in chains, he worked clay with his reet, and drewwater. Solomon would not give him his liberty “because that fierce demon Asmodeus knew even the future” (ib. p. 21).

    ELON’S PARENTAL ESTRANGEMENT APPEARS TO BE MORE GASLIGHTING (LYING): Elon is allegedly estranged from both his parents, mother Maye (1948-present) and father Erol (1946-present). This is likely more gaslighting since his parents were essential to his grooming and funding by the Babylonian Rādhānite merchant-banker pagan religionists that founded the Pilgrims Society (1902-present)—“the synagogue of Satan.”


    Musk says “I believe in the God of Spinoza.” Baruch Spinoza was a pagan Babylonian Rādhānite merchant-banker in Amsterdam (1632-1677), and radical, supposedly “Sephardic” Jew with a 39-page Wikipedia currently.Nonetheless, Musk also says that as a little baby being baptized in the Church of England, he questioned (“what the hell?”) the Sacrament of Holy Communion. What little baby is self-aware enough to have such a life question?Or, were we hearing Elon’s demon speaking? Remember, the Babylonians worship Moloch and Ba’al that feeds on child sacrifice, and has done for millenia. Jesus Christ, in his death, burial and resurrection was destroying that pagan Babylonian practice of human sacrifice.

    Bookmark: #musk-worships-spinoza-mocks-eucharist | https://tinyurl.com/mr5h6rp3

    Click image to play this video segment.Elon Musk. (Dec. 22, 2021). How not to accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior, video snippet from "Elon Musk Sits Down With The Babylon Bee." Babylon Bee (duration 1 hr. 40 min.).

    Fig. 17.Elon Musk. (Dec. 22, 2021). How not to accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior, video snippet from “Elon Musk Sits Down With The Babylon Bee.” Babylon Bee (duration 1 hr. 40 min.). Reproduced for educational purposes only. Fair Use relied upon. Source: @1hr. 34min. https://youtu.be/jvGnw1sHh9M?t=5638(Raw *.mp4 video file | Check your Downloads folder if the video file does not play immediately).

    Musk says “I believe in the God of Spinoza.” Baruch Spinoza was a pagan Babylonian Rādhānite merchant-banker in Amsterdam (1632-1677), and radical, supposedly “Sephardic” Jew with a 39-page Wikipedia currently.

    Nonetheless, Musk also says that as a little baby being baptized in the Church of England, he questioned (“what the hell?”) the Sacrament of Holy Communion. What little baby is self-aware enough to have such a life question?


Jesus Christ: “Get behind me, Satan.”
Matthew 16:23

* * *

Described above is abject immorality on the part of the British Pilgrims Society and their Babylonian synagogue of satan demons.

Morality must win the day.

“Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand.”

The Gospel of St. Matthew 4:17.

Bookmark: #miller-act-notice | https://tinyurl.com/yu7ta7re


Click image to open PDF of this and the next slide

How Leader Technologies' Miller Act Notice check will help create true Free Speech in our American Republic


Fig. 18—The First Amended Miller Act Notice. Click here to download the PDF (check your Downloads folder after clicking). See also, Complaint against Judge Leonard P. Stark’s fraud against his own court in Leader v. Facebook and 2,400 other patent cases.
James P. Chandler, III Andrew W. Marshall
James P. Chandler, III Andrew W. Marshall

Leader Technologies, Inc. sent their FIRST AMENDED MILLER ACT NOTICEto President Trump (the then-current President) It is a contract demand for the U.S. Treasury to pay them for the federal government’s 18-year theft of their social networking inventions. These inventions were stolen by Major General James E. Freeze (US Army, ret.) and Leader’s patent attorney James P. Chandler, III, on behalf of Andrew W. Marshall and the Department of Defense Office of Net Assessment, and the Pilgrims Society who steal and weaponize inventions for continuous war making and enrichment of fascist insider military-industrial corporations.

Patriots are encouraged to help get this First Amended Miller Act Notice to President Trump and past the Praetorian Guard. See American Intelligence Media republish of the Leader Miller Act Notice.


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