Submitted by An Armchair Political Analyst
SOTN Exclusive

We’ll make this one short and sweet … and simple.

Trump is facing the single biggest test of his second term on Inauguration Day.

That litmus test concerns the issuance of a presidential pardon to every single J6er who has been arrested, prosecuted, convicted and/or incarcerated as a result of the entrapment scheme carried out by several institutional criminal co-conspirators including the Democrat Party, FBI, CIA, Capitol Police and other rogue elements within the Deep State on Wednesday, January 6, 2021 at the Capitol Building in Washington, D.C.

Should Trump fail this highly consequential litmus test,
he will have profoundly betrayed the Patriot Movement
that got him elected twice.  Such a lamentable sin of
omission is as perfidious as it is unforgivable, as Trump
surely knows. 

Those J6ers only showed up to compel the U.S. Congress to responsibly consider the volumes of  actionable hard evidence that proved — UNEQUIVOCALLY — that the Democrat Party outright stole the 2020 POTUS election for the leader of that massive criminal conspiracy—Joe Robinette Biden.

Those brave Patriots showed up on that day — January 6th — because they knew that Congress had to act BEFORE the final certification of that transparently stolen election.  They were then stealthily corralled into the Capitol Building by FBI COINTELPRO agents and CIA operatives and Capitol police so they could be eventually arrested for participating in a nakedly staged and utterly fake insurrection.

The entire deceitful state-sponsored operation, overseen by the highly weaponized U.S. Intelligence Community, has left a truly terrible and indelible stain on the US government.

KEY POINTS: The sheer number and degree of malicious and/or frivolous prosecutions carried out by the exceedingly corrupt DOJ-FBI crime syndicate against perfectly innocent J6ers is unparalleled in American history.  In point of fact, the overwhelming pain and suffering inflicted on those courageous Patriots by the extremely vindictive Biden administration is completely without precedent since the inception of the U.S. Criminal Injustice System.  So cruel and vicious, inhuman and sadistic are those DOJ inquisitioners and FBI henchmen that they all must be rounded up post-haste and prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.  Which is Trump’s second major litmus test right after issuing his presidential pardons.

One last important point: It has been proposed that Trump may pardon all J6ers except those who were convicted of violent crimes.  This is wholly unacceptable, especially in light of how the FBI’s agents provocateur were directly responsible for the intentional incitement of any and all violence which occurred on that day.

BOTTOM LINE: Every J6er had better be granted a full presidential pardon post-haste on Inauguration Day, and not a day later.  A failure to do so will graphically expose President Trump as a………………………………………………….


An Armchair Political Analyst
State of the Nation
January 16, 2025

SOTN Editor’s Note: Our readers well understand that this Alt Media platform has a much different view from AAPA.  From our seat, the vast majority of J6ers should NOT be pardoned as that clearly implies that they are guilty of committing a crime(s), which they are not.  Those courageous folks are only guilty of protesting against the greatest POTUS election crime spree ever perpetrated against the American people.  Therefore, not only should the J6ers be legally exonerated* from the false arrests, false prosecutions, false convictions and false incarcerations, they ought to be hailed as the great heroes that they truly are.  After all, those valiant Patriots were present for duty on January 6th doing what every US citizen should have been doing on that fateful day.

*Exoneration is defined as an official action of absolving (releasing or freeing) someone of a previous determination of guilt (conviction). Exoneration is not a pardon or an expungement. An exoneration is an official legal determination that a convicted person is innocent. It is not an act of forgiveness or leniency but a finding of innocence. 


[1] Exonerations – Wrongful Convictions Undone

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