READ HERE: The State of California is..UNDER ATTACK and…NO…this is NOT a “conspiracy theory”!
Our own government has signed off on the United Nations’ Agenda 21 and Agenda 2023 which is the Elite’s plans to bring in the…NEW WORLD ORDER in order to both tyrannize the peoples of all the nations and to…CULL THE WORLD POPULATION with: fires, floods, earthquakes, supposed “pandemics” with supposed “viruses” and much more.
The only problem, though, is that these are all…MAN-MADE, ARTIFICALLY GENERATED by our own government and the sinister New World Order forces that control them. THEY are behind all this, NOT Mother Nature!
All of this is carried out by sinister forces that come from both the..Department of Defense, the CIA, NASA, DARPA as well as other state agencies which attack not only the United States of America, but other nations as well. These are the forces that have been burning California and other States for years now. These are the same demonic powers that burned Lahaina In Maui in 2023 with…DEW weapons (Directed Energy Weapons). These are the SAME scumbags that just completely drowned out North Carolina with hurricanes in…MOUNTAINOUS REGIONS THESE WHERE HURRICANES NEVER HAPPEN THERE FOR OBVIOUS REASONS!