Will Trump Break the Hold of the Global Crime Syndicate?

Patrick J. McShay

“Nothing in all the world is more dangerous than sincere
ignorance and conscientious stupidity”

— Martin Luther King Jr

“Trump is someone with an ability to perceive opportunities that most politicians do not and forge powerful, sustained connections with large
swaths of people in ways that no contemporary can match. In other
words: He is a force of history”

— John F. Harris – founding Editor and Global Editor-in-Chief of POLITICO

“America Is A Free Nation Once Again!”

— President Donald J. Trump (Addressing the World Economic Forum in Davos Switzerland)

Trump just revoked security clearances for the 51 intel agents who lied about Hunter Biden’s laptop, as well as former advisor, Neo-Con John Bolton. Joe Biden issued pardons for members of his crime family, the criminals in his administration, and the murderers, rapists, and child pornographers he put ahead of the imprisoned peaceful anti-abortion protesters on his watch. His corrupt DOJ turned simple trespassing charges into felonies and sent them to prison where they were still languishing until Trump pardoned them on Wednesday

Tom Fitton at Judicial Watch said, “President Trump should ignore these preemptive, blanket pardons just issued by whoever is running the Biden White House. Specifically, President Trump should immediately court-martial General Milley, and proceed as appropriate in criminally investigating Fauci and anyone else on Biden’s list. The blanket pardons issued by Biden are invalid and constitutional nullities and should be considered to have no legal force or effect”

The way I see it we have three kinds of politicians in  America. First, there are what I call the Patriots. These are the good guys, the politicians who are “America First” and haven’t sold out to Israel, other countries, big business, or big pharma the way Joe Biden was probably bought and paid for. I believe the Republican politicians and judges who continue to inexplicably side with the Democrats, referred to as RINOs, are compromised in one way or another!

The second kind would be politicians like Joe Biden, who are approached early in their careers and sell out to big corporations to look the other way from their illegal activities. They push legislation to help their corporate benefactors the way Biden did when he pushed through new bankruptcy laws in 2005 that saved the major banks and financial institutions trillion of dollars, but have hurt working Americans ever since. See this:


The third kind of politicians are those who are unknowingly caught up in “Honey Traps”. These people are videotaped with underage young boys and girls and blackmailed and threatened as long as they’re useful. This is likely the reason these people, no matter how unpopular, keep winning elections. Our controllers fix these contests. John “Traitor” McCain comes to mind.

This is why Jeffrey Epstein was protected for so long. Epstein and Gislaine Maxwell were Israeli Mossad Agents who were set up to entrap politicians, celebrities, and other influential people like Jewish tech billionaire Bill Gates and British Royals like Prince Andrew. Numerous  politicians say that pressure to support the state of Israel is intense from the second they hit town and never lets up. This is an open secret that no one talks about.

I wrote in “Deep State Pedophiles, Political Traitors, and Their Communist Agenda” seven years ago:

“Former NSA Senior Intelligence official and whistleblower William Binney said 12 years ago that the NSA wasn’t just spying on the American people but was illegally spying on US Congressmen, Senators, Federal Judges, and even Supreme Court Judges.

Remember what happened to the stubborn Senator in the “Godfather” who wouldn’t play ball with the Corleone family? A few days later he woke up in bed with a dead hooker. Is that how they keep Congress in line? Is that how they persuaded, John Roberts to stab Americans in the back as the deciding SCOTUS vote to put Obamacare over the top?” Nothing has changed. See this:

COMMUNIST PLOT EXPOSED: Coup Staged by Deep State Pedophiles, Political Traitors and Obama Bolsheviks

Donald Trump is different than your average Washington politician. He was a friend of Epstein but accusations from Epstein’s victims naming Trump haven’t surfaced in the media if they exist at all. He has his own money, and on the surface, he doesn’t neatly fit into any of these categories, but can he be trusted?

Don’t forget Trump’s mentor years ago was the notorious and despicable Jewish New York Mob lawyer Roy Cohn who also worked for the Israeli Mossad and was blackmailing wealthy and influential people when Jeffrey Epstein was still in short pants.

Author and historian Henry Makow wrote that Legendary New York Detective Jim Rothstein said that in an interview with Cohn, “he admitted to Rothstein that he was part of a rather elaborate sexual blackmail operation that compromised politicians with child prostitutes.” See here:


Trump, as promised, has already pulled out of the “Paris Climate Accord” scam after Joe Biden spent hundreds of billions on the climate hoax for his global masters who are meeting this week in Davos, Switzerland. Meanwhile, Americans are slogging through one of the worst deep freezes in years. Al Gore is on suicide watch while heavy Snowstorms blanketed states from Maine to Florida with kids building snowmen in Tallahassee & ice skating on Bourbon Street in New Orleans.

Trump just announced a new deal with Saudi Arabia and Crown Prince bin Salmon has vowed to invest $600 billion in the US in the next four years. Relations between the Saudis under Biden were extremely poor after Biden insulted bin Salman shortly after taking office. It appears that won’t be a problem under Trump.

Another deal was announced this week when Jewish OpenAI CEO Sam Altman, SoftBank CEO Masayoshi Son, and Jewish Oracle Chairman Larry Ellison appeared at the White House with Trump to announce a new venture called “Stargate” which Trump called the “largest AI infrastructure project in history.” This deal to me has frightening implications for privacy, liberty, and freedom for American citizens moving forward.

While Trump pulled out of future ventures with the corrupt World Health Organization, whose goal is a one-world police state, this open AI program has many of the same restrictive goals. Billionaire Oracle Chairman Ellison, the Richest Jew in the World, and the third richest man in the US behind Bezos and Musk, says that “AI-powered 24-hour surveillance of Americans is in our future.”

Does Mr. Ellison really believe that Americans should be exited about being his goldfish? Why are these billionaires so interested in tracking, tagging, and controlling us, and finally, why is Trump going along with it?

Ellison says His AI “Will monitor all society via a vast network of interconnected cameras, including civilian body cams, cop body cams, dash cams, and security cams.”

Ellison also announced a new mRNA Cancer vaccine that he no doubt expects Americans to line up for, which begs the question, why is another Jewish billionaire, and college dropout, who is not a doctor or a scientist, allowed to push new experimental vaccines on the American public?

Ellison is also a proponent of totally controlled 15-minute cities that would restrict American citizens’ movement. I wrote five years ago this was coming and it’s here! Why is Trump going along with this agenda?

After Trump’s disastrous DOD and DARPA-funded, military “Operation Warp Speed” which resulted in an epidemic of injuries and deaths that continue to this day, why is he involved with another untested mRNA vaccine which many doctors and scientists say is unsafe? Dr. Robert Malone, the inventor of mRNA, was against the COVID-19 vaccine from the beginning!

I don’t believe Trump has ever acknowledged the death and destruction that were the result of his COVID-19 vaccine, why does he believe it is the government’s role to bankroll and participate as a partner in another experimental vaccine while big pharma still has immunity from injury and death from all of their vaccines? Congress needs to make Big pharma liable.

In a new interview today with Alex Jones, Dr. Robert Malone, the inventor of mRNA technology, has warned President Trump about the Stargate Project’s proposals and how Big Pharma Uses Psychological Warfare To Advance Their Agenda.

Trump supporters weren’t at all happy that Trump met with Bill Gates and I can’t imagine that many of his supporters are happy about this announcement. Where is RFK Jr. on this new vaccine? His absence is telling. It’s doubtful he thought it was a good idea that Trump met with Bill Gates recently, what did they discuss? See Dr. Malone’s interview here:


While Trump did the right thing by signing an executive order to end all ‘gain of function’ virus research, he needs to further assure the public that at no time in the future will these vaccines be mandatory.

See this important 5 minute video from Greg Reese:


Ellison is an ardent supporter of recently convicted Israeli war criminal Bibi Netanyahu and has funded controversial annexation projects in occupied Palestine, as have Trump’s in-laws, the Kushners. Just this week Trump overturned Biden-era sanctions on Israeli settlers in the West Bank who routinely murder and abuse Palestinians in the area. Trump continues to ignore and reward Israeli atrocities.

Like Bill Gates, Ellison is a tech billionaire and college dropout, just what we need to develop our new vaccines. He was adopted at one year old and it appears according to aim4truth.org that Ellison is “not the man we think we know, and certainly not the man his public biographies describe”.

In reality, “he is another Silicon Valley “cardboard cutout” like Zuckerberg, Schmidt, Thiel, Hoffman, Sandberg, Dorsey, Pichai. Cutouts all for the British Pilgrims Society and their MI6-MI5-FBI-CIA spooks”. “His firm’s name came from a CIA project code-named ‘Oracle’. Most billionaires aren’t typically wealthy because of their good works, so what’s really going on? See this report on Mr. Ellison:


People have wondered if Trump is a Christian, or if he had a “Come to Jesus moment” after his assassination attempt, while others bring up the fact that Trump’s surname was originally Drumpf, and his great-grandmother’s name was Kober, which are both prominent Bavarian Jewish names. Trump grew up in Jamaica Estates in Queens New York, a heavily Jewish populated area, and both of his parents died in Jewish nursing homes. Must See this:


Donald Trump and his Son-in-Law Jared Kushner have donated thousands of dollars to the Jewish Chabad Lubavitchorganization which is a racist Jewish doomsday cult. Chabad Hasidic Jews are Talmudic Jews who hate Christians,and all non-Jews, as well as secular and assimilated Jews. Trump pardoned a disgusting Chabad criminal at the end of his last presidency Must see this:


*At a rally recently Trump said, “I am not a Christian”. Why doesn’t someone ask him what he is? See that here:


As Trump promised, he signed executive orders releasing documents on the assassination of JFK, his brother Robert Kennedy, and Martin Luther King Jr. He also signed an order banning Central Bank Digital Currencies, along with  the Executive Order To ban US funding of “Gain-Of-Function Research” that led to the COVID-19 Outbreak.

While I appreciate the good things Trump has done thus far, it should be infuriating and disconcerting to every American that he has blinders on when it comes to Israeli atrocities, and is diving into this half-baked new Cancer vaccine with the likes of Larry Ellison, which has Dr. Malone dumbfounded. If you’re not at all concerned about any of this, please see the MLK quote at the top of this article.

If you’d like to support my work, any contribution no matter how small would be greatly appreciated. Thanks, Pat.

My most recent article:

*Wildfires As A Weapon


Follow Patrick J. McShay on Twitter/X- @j_mcshay

Patrick J. McShay is a writer, researcher, and activist whose articles have appeared on over 200 news sites around the world. Mr. McShay is a retired mortgage broker and uncredentialed historian specializing in real history and uncomfortable truths. He has appeared on the Power Of Prophecy Podcast with Jerry Barrett, the Chuck Baldwin Show, the Jeff Rense Show, the Raw Deal with Jim Fetzer, and the SGT Report. His articles have been translated into over a dozen languages including French, German, Spanish, Chinese, Korean, Vietnamese, Polish, Italian, Japanese, Russian, and Dutch.

*Articles By Patrick J. McShay:

*Zionist Deception and a Geopolitical Powder Keg In Gaza

*9/11: The Official Narrative Is Dying

*America’s Descent Into Israel’s Moral Abyss

*Syrian War Lies And The Greater Israel Project

*False Flag Syrian Manipulation

*Cent-com, Neo-Cons, and the Syrian Permutation

*The Truth Is Not Anti-Semitic and should never be illegal

*Trump and Netanyahu: Blind Guides and Hypocrites

Other Sources:

“I’m Not Christian.” Donald J. Trump






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