Patrick J. McShay

I hate to be the bearer of conspiracy news but the narrative surrounding these horrific LA fires blaming the Democrat’s mismanagement and incompetence is certainly believable, but what if what we are seeing was a planned operation.

Before the San Francisco earthquake, the city had a series of big fires in the mid 1800s starting on Christmas eve in 1849 that destroyed 50 buildings before it burned itself out. It was later learned that a group of wealthy Masons, Odd Fellows, and other secret societies were behind the fires because they wanted to take control of those parts of the city. These fires prompted the city to start the SFFD in 1850. People have been torching buildings for profit and progress since.

The question Americans should be asking themselves is were these strange fires in Southern California just a natural disaster or was there something more sinister at play?

Investigative Journalist George Webb says that author Peter Duke @thedukereport told him that Jewish Bilderberg billionaire Nicholas Berggruen of the Berggruen Institute wants to burn down Pacific Palisades for the Chinese Government (CCP) and he wants to build his Institute’s new headquarters in a preserved area in the Palisades. Duke also said that the San Ynez reservoir has been bone dry since 2009.

A Jewish billionaire couple Stewart and Linda Resnick own the majority of water in California which they seized after a series of secret meetings 20 years ago, and they took control of the Kern Water bank, one of the largest underground water facilities in the state.

The Resnicks are the biggest farmers in California and nearly half of all Americans use their products. They are also the owners of Fijji Water company. How did one couple get control of something God gave to all of us? No individual or company should own the water supply! See how they did it, it sounds as crooked as “Chinatown”


I still have yet to hear why the Santa Ynez 117 million-gallon water reservoir serving the Pacific Palisades area was empty, offline, and closed for minor repairs and never repaired. Was this because of Mayor Karen Bass’s budget cuts or some other reason? Were the Resnicks involved in the decision? What about Nicholas Berggruen?

Why would a city and state with some of the highest taxes in the country, that spends tens of billions of dollars on illegal immigrants and the homeless, think that cutting the fire budget was a good place to cut costs? Did you know that Mayor Bass was demanding an additional $49 million in cuts from the fire department? Las Angelinos should be furious!

There is no doubt in anyone’s mind, including the firemen, who have said that had that reservoir been repaired in a timely manner it would have been the difference in saving lives and countless homes and businesses.

We have yet to hear the Mayor address the fact that because of her $17.5 million budget cuts to the Fire Department, all regular fire hydrant inspections were suspended. Fire hydrants lost pressure and ran out of water all over fhe city, just like they did in the Lahaina Hawaii fires.

Why is no one in the media calling this criminal negligence? Mayor Bass negligently left the country, after vowing to never do so while campaigning for the office, even after Las Angeles meteorologists issued a rare red flag warning due to the dangerous weather conditions during “Fire Season”.

Satellite footage shows that three of the main LA fires suspiciously started at the same time, this same phenomenon happened last year in Quebec. Is this being investigated further? Democrats like Bernie Sanders have placed the blame on global warming, never mind that the temperature was 68 degrees that morning, or the fact that 1500 scientists worldwide recently signed a statement proclaiming that the climate crisis pushed on the public is a hoax. See that footage here:


The odds that 3 major fires started in different parts of the city at the same time leads me to be suspicious of the absurd narrative being spun. The question that must be asked is why was this allowed to happen, because I don’t believe this was Mother Nature, I believe something more nefarious is going on.

Why was there no action taken to mitigate these problems when they surfaced in the fire in 2018? Did they ignore these problems to further an agenda?

We’ve seen the strange fires recently in Paradise California and Lahina Hawaii where every home was burnt to the ground but trees between the houses were undamaged by the roaring fires. Cars that were burnt so badly that metal engine parts and the metal wheels were melted, but the grass around them remained untouched by the fire. See this 2 minute video:


Many people have said that these fires are not normal and have suggested they are a result of coordinated arson. Were High-Frequency Aural Research Program (HAARP) directed energy weapons (DEW) used to start these fires?

In her book, “Where Did The Towers Go” about the attacks on 911, Pysicist Dr. Judy Wood proposed that a DEW weapon was used to bring down the towers. She included pictures in the book showing a parking lot with a row of cars that looked melted, just like the cars in these fires. Oddly the row of cars in the same lot 20 feet away were undamaged. Were (HAARP) directed energy weapons (DEW) used to start these fires? From medium.com:


“HAARP is a sophisticated weapon system that has been designed for the manipulation of the natural systems of the world, and for the control of human behavior. In this way, it represents a powerful tool for environmental, as well as psychological, warfare”

Directed Energy Weapons- Short Video


A Botanist and Forensic Arborist who was interviewed after the Lahaina fire said these are not natural forest fires because too many trees are left standing and not at all damaged by fires. Windshields in cars were impossibly melted as these windshields melt at 2500 degrees and no forest fire burns that hot. Why is no one asking these questions? See that interview here. You will question all of these fires if you watch the first 10 minutes:

Another thing no one in the media is talking about is the water and gas Smart meters that are starting fires everywhere. Smart meters were proven to have started fires in Paradise California fires as well as the Lahaina fires, and numerous lawsuits have been filed against PG&E. These Smart meters use Lithium batteries and when they catch on fire the firemen can’t put them out. See this short video:


PG&E pled guilty to 84 counts of manslaughter in Paradise California alone, where entire neighborhoods of homes were destroyed but the trees between the houses were untouched by the fires.


If all of this sounds unbelievable and much to conspiratorial for you, here is a short video showing a document from the Defense Advanced Research Project Agency (DARPA) the Department of Defense agency that funded the poisonous vaccine operation, and the Department of Agriculture, titled, “F0rest Fires As A Military Weapon”. See here:


Throw in Governor Newsome’s water mismanagement, his ongoing forest mismanagement, fire equipment sent to Ukraine, and the suspicious and unconscionable decision by insurance companies to cancel the fire insurance on thousands of policies just months before the fires, and the only disinformation is coming from Governor Newsome and Mayor Bass.


This looks more like a crime scene than a natural disaster. Will we see a full investigation into these matters? Remember, Mrs. O’Leary’s cow is still being blamed for the great Chicago fire of 1871.

Globalist Klaus Schwab has had plans for a New World Order 15-minute Smart City for the city of LA for some time now and it is not inconceivable that agent provocateurs in a state already taken over by New World Order operatives like the Marxist Mayor Karen Bass allowed this to happen.

I wrote last year about the globalist gathering in China for what they call the “Annual Meeting of New Champions”, where World Economic Forum founder and a driving force behind the New World Order dictatorship, Klaus Schwab, said in his speech that participants will need to “Force Collaboration” on countries and populations that resist their new police state.

We’ve recently seen an election set aside in Romania whose voters recently elected a candidate with a nationalist, anti immigration and anti globalist right wing agenda. Former European Commissiobner Thierry Breton, tossing all peretense of democracy aside, said recently that the election in Germany must also be canceled if the globalist candidate loses.

The entire western world is bowing down to globalist rules and dictates which include forced censorship, forced immigration, and insane hate laws. A man in England whose 14 year old daughter was gang raped by immigrants was recently arrested and jailed for making a meme that offended child rapists. Had Kamala Harris won these same dictates would have been forced on Americans. See here:


The globalist politicians and NATO officials won’t allow these elections to stand because they have no interest in what the people want, they have plans to use Romania as a staging area for their continued war on Russia, which poses no existential threat to the EU or the United States. It’s all about stealing their resources.

Americans have no idea how dependent our politicians have made us on Chinese goods, especially prescription drugs where China is said to supply 90% of our antibiotics. 70% of smart phones come from China as well as furniture, sports equipment, Barbie dolls, toilet paper, etc… and they have to approve every movie we see.

The Russia threat is a distraction from the real threat which is China and the globalists. The Climate Crisis is being used to bankrupt Western countries, destroy farming and tax the people further.The Ukraine War is doing the same thing while crooked politicians are sharing in the booty of our stolen and laundered $200+ billions in taxes the Uniparty has squandered there.

In Marco Ruboio’s confirmation hearing today he said that China’s influence on the US and the rest of the world is so strong that in 10 years, they will control everything if something isn’t done. Americans have no idea just how close this New World Order tyranny is.

Joe Biden signed off in a nationally televised speech last night where he started off taking credit for the Israeli hostage deal that everyone involved credited Trump.

After 4 years of destroying the country Dementia Joe said misinformation and the lack of censorship was a big concern, right after he lied about violent crime rates coming down on his watch and blaming the recent fire in LA and the recent hurricane on climate change.

He warned us about oligarchs taking over the country after giving America hating billionaire George Soros, and deep state criminal Hillary Clinton the Presidential Medal of Freedom. Disgraceful!

He said we need term limits as he winds up a fifty plus year career of using his office to enrich himself and his family, and he said how important it is to pay your fair share of taxes after recently pardoning his son Hunter for felony tax evasion.

Joe Biden is an incompetent and out of touch buffoon who has destroyed what unity existed before his election. Unless we can pull together, unify as one people and stop empowering these globalists and their un- American agenda, this freedom that most of us take for granted could be gone.

Follow Patrick J. McShay on Twitter/X- @j_mcshay

*Neo-Con Warmongers, Zionist Traitors, & Big Pharma Shills-https://stateofthenation.info/?p=5386

Patrick J. McShay is a writer, researcher, and political analyst whose articles have appeared on over 200 news sites worldwide. Mr. McShay is a retired mortgage broker and uncredentialed historian specializing in real history and uncomfortable truths. He has appeared on the Power Of Prophecy Podcast with Jerry Barrett, the Chuck Baldwin Show, the Jeff Rense Show, the Raw Deal with Jim Fetzer, TNT Radio with Joe Olson, and the SGT Report. His articles have been translated into over a dozen languages including French, German, Spanish, Chinese, Korean, Vietnamese, Polish, Italian, Japanese, Russian, and Dutch.

If you’d like to support my work, any contribution no matter how small would be greatly appreciated. Thanks, Pat.


Recent Articles By Patrick J. McShay

*Deep State Pedophiles, Political Traitors, and Their Communist Agenda

*9/11: The Official Narrative Is Dying

*America’s Descent Into Israel’s Moral Abyss

*Syrian War Lies And The Greater Israel Project

*False Flag Syrian Manipulation

*Cent-com, Neo-Cons, and the Syrian Permutation

*The Truth Is Not Anti-Semitic and should never be illegal

*Satan Laughing, Spreads His Wings Over Gaza





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