“They have one goal above all others with this
transparently staged electoral catastrophe.”

Everyone knows who is going to win
because only a Trump victory would guarantee the necessary gravity and enormity of the continuing electoral clusterfuck marked by maximum
chaos, confusion and conflict needed
to set the stage for their long-planned American Bolshevik Revolution.

However, that doesn’t mean the bankster-directed Democrats won’t do everything in their power to steal the POTUS as a means of adding fuel to the fire of post-election chaos and pandemonium.

Submitted by An Armchair Political Analyst
State of the Nation

What else needs to be said in this regards as the communist-conducted crescendo builds; rather, as it is deliberately intensified by the hour?

Facing Trump Landslide Too Big to Rig, Democrats Have
Resorted to Sabotaging Election Process With Hack Attacks,
Fraudulent Ballots, And Voter Intimidation

While Infowars did a great job above delineating the NWO strategy to morph the 2024 electoral process into the a mega “ELECTION DISRUPTION NIGHTMARE”, they neglected to go a step further with this punchline:

Coming to a city or town near you.

World War I, 1917 Bolshevik Revolution & 1918 Spanish Flu Pandemic blueprint


The very same powers and perps behind the Bolshevik Revolution of 1917 are using a similar playbook to transform the USA into the USSA where “A” stands for Amerika.

Which means that there is a communist plot afoot to overthrow the U.S. Federal Government using a 3-pronged strategy. The first prong entails irreparably tearing the fabric of American society via the devastating agenda of Cultural Marxism which has been implemented in earnest since the Federal Reserve Act of 1913.

The second prong of performing a stealthy take over of the US government began with the election of Manchurian Candidate Barack Hussein Obama. The same takeover scheme was executed with with all deliberate speed after Donald Trump was elected with the subsequent 4 year long soft coup which followed to include the 2020 POTUS election theft.

The third prong is the violent overthrow of the American Republic via a full-blown color revolution directed by the U.S. Intelligence Community and fully supported by the U.S. Armed Forces and other major organs of the Federal Government. This long planned and highly organized American Bolshevik Revolution is the key piece in the New World Order agenda which is following the same stealthy pattern of border invasions by illegal aliens that the European Union has undergone over many years. See: IT’S WAR! Stealthy, Asymmetric, Guerrilla Warfare Coming To America

History is quite instructive in order to properly understand the various Democrat-driven (actually Uniparty-driven) schemes being carried out across America today. What these communist revolutionaries are really doing is executing the same three-punch stratagem that was used by the International Banking Crime Syndicate to conquer Russia in order to establish the Soviet Union and the Gulag Archipelago, which those Talmudic communists Khazarian banksters did with extraordinary success.

That 3-punch stratagem included World War I, the 1917 Bolshevik Revolution, and the Spanish Flu Pandemic of 1918, which was then followed by the Russian Civil War. Only with the pervasive chaos and confusion generated by the Spanish Flu were the bolsheviks able to morph their communist revolution into the much more deadly and destructive Russian Civil War. Because the entire world community of nations was preoccupied with the ravages of the manmade ‘Spanish Flu’ and engineered global pandemic, attention was deliberately taken off the plight of Russia. In point of fact, most countries did not even know it was taking place there until the initial Lenin-led coup d’état was over.

KEY POINT: It has been proven scientifically that the Spanish flu had absolutely nothing to do with its origination in Spain. As a matter of historical fact, Spain maintained strict neutrality during World War I against the wishes of the Central Banking Cartel. Furthermore, Madrid was also the only capital on the planet talking about the global public health disaster of what was deliberately misnamed the ‘Spanish flu’ (The international press corps was given strict orders to avoid any mention of that pandemic so as to significantly contribute to the scare and panic in each nation). However, the Spanish media went against orders and screamed about the seriousness of the burgeoning pandemic that went to kill upwards of 100 million people. See: The “Spanish Flu Pandemic of 1918” was so named to both mislead the world and punish Spain

Now fast forward to 2020 and the manmade COVID-19 Pandemic and the much more destructive OPERATION COVID-19. The United States had been systematically softened up with unrelenting psyops over the whole term of Trump’s presidency. The American people have been constantly victimized by one globalist-directed assault after another, one Gladio-coordinated false flag mass shooting after another, one profound political betrayal after another by the Democrats and RINOs alike. Then the COVID-19 outbreak was commenced via the launching of the COVID-19 bioweapon in China as a means of eventually attacking the USA with a full-scale bio-war.

This highly staged 2020 thru 2024 sequence of events was painstakingly coordinated just as the Spanish Flu bioweapon was purposefully launched to coincide with the Bolshevik Revolution-cum-Russian Civil War. In both cases of 1918 and 2020, these pandemics and the corresponding revolutions provided mutually supporting synergies which enabled the perpetrators to attain the success that would have otherwise been very difficult, if not impossible, to achieve. Of course, the 2020 Covid-Communist takeover plot is, at this very moment, moving through a critical stage of development during the final four months of 2024 and throughout 2025.

What the American people are experiencing today is an attempt to fabricate yet another utterly fake pandemic designed to create even more fear and anxiety, undermine the general economy and family finances. The perps also intend to divide and rule every segment of society — AGAIN — by means rolling out mandatory face masks, social distancing, sheltering in place, quarantines, curfews and the radical curtailment of all social functions when Plandemic 2.0 is launched this Fall The resulting disruption of normal life is designed to further trigger an unparalleled degree of social alienation nationwide, just as the Spanish Flu did in 1918 for years afterwards.

The 2024 POTUS election — November 5rd — serves as the climactic junction point when the US-based communists intend to initiate their Bolshevik Revolution—American-style. Of course, the race war begun by closet communist Barack Hussein Obama was quite intentionally reignited by the George Soros-funded Left in 2020 in order to manufacture an environment where both terrorist organizations — Black Lives Matter and AntiFa — would be unlawfully supported and thrive. BLM and AntiFa are the paramilitary and terrorist arms, respectively, of the Democrat Party which are analogous to the brutal bolsheviks of 1917. OFA (Organizing for Action) and the SUNRISE MOVEMENT, the intelligence arms of the Democrat Party, are among hundreds of other Soros-funded groups that aim to destroy this Republic.

After the violent phase of this communist rebellion begins in earnest, all of the liberals, progressives, socialists, left-wingers, anarchists, insurrectionists, marxists, communists, bolsheviks and other Democrats will be corralled into a pen of revolutionary compliance. They will eventually form a subversive nationwide insurgency much as the Red Army did during the Russian Civil War. Likewise, the Patriots, Nationalists, Conservatives, Christians, Libertarians, Independents, Tea Partiers, real Republicans and others on the Right will unite to defend the American Republic just as the White Army coalesced throughout the same Russian Civil War. The Left is already programmed and determined to used armed conflict in order to remove President Trump should he win the election. These neo-bolshevik mercenaries, who are paid by the Democrat Party, are also armed and ready to overthrow every state government that is not dominated by a globalist-controlled governor and/or legislature.

KEY POINT: Just who are some of the most powerful Democrat bolsheviks in the U.S. Congress today? These are the most dangerous and traitorous congressional enemies of the American Republic.

Be forewarned, the period of time between Election Day and Inauguration Day will quite likely see an explosion of rioting and violence, shootings and bombings, arson and weaponized fireworks, as well as orchestrated protests in many of the public spaces that matter. This is exactly why Plandemic 2.0 is being artificially manufactured and falsely trumpeted by the mainstream media, via the constant Monkeypox, Bird Flu and Covid-24 scares, at this pivotal juncture. The communist traitors and Covid perps need all the anarchy and mayhem they can generate to contrive the most hospitable conditions for an armed rebellion—the violent phase of the ongoing American Bolshevik Revolution.

Again, this US Intel Community-directed color revolution was all planned out according to the same game plan that was used for the 1917 Bolshevik Revolution before it was stealthily transitioned into the nation-destroying Russian Civil War. Similarly, the American people are about to witness a cascade of events concocted to shock and awe the entire populace. President Trump especially needs to be protected during these exceedingly precarious times because the coup co-conspirators are determined to set a trap for him as they did with the execution of Czar Nicholas II and the Romanov family. This is why so much fear, hatred and loathing have been methodically propagated toward Trump and his supporters since he first declared in June 0f 2015.

KEY POINTS: The globalist reptiles at the very top of the planetary food chain have only been able to control US so effectively because they have consistently driven the most divisive and inflammatory wedge issues deep into the heart of the American body politic. Just consider what the passing of highly emotionally charged infanticide laws across the USA has done to the social order and civil society since 2019. Not only did New York State lead the way, that repugnant legislation was celebrated in New York City by offensively lighting up One World Trade Center pink.

It’s of paramount importance to comprehend that the 1917 Bolshevik Revolution and 1918 Spanish Flu Pandemic transpired in a completely different era and milieu compared to today’s COVID-19 Pandemic and American Bolshevik Revolution. Particularly in light of our present Information Age, the playing field has changed considerably and irreversibly. Truly, the Internet has given humanity both a tool and a weapon which the NWO globalist cabal cannot adequately defend against. Hence, their desired outcomes for the planetary civilization are not likely to manifest as they have planned.

Whereas the Spanish Flu killed upwards of 100,000,000 people worldwide, the death rate today from COVID-19 is grossly overstated, although millions have died from the weaponized Covid ‘vaccines’. While many folks were incapacitated from the 1918 pandemic, proper treatments today are more effective, more available and easily accessible to the U.S. citizenry. In view of these and several other advantages that we enjoy today, there is every reason to believe this looming communist cataclysm can be successfully averted.

Unlike the unfortunate Russian people in 1917, we, today, know what’s going on everywhere. Whereas they knew nothing and were taken completely by surprise, the Patriot Movement has been preparing for decades. Which means that there is much that We the People can still do to terminate the tyrannical U.S. Federal Government. For virtually every government and corporate entity inside the Beltway has been created to further oppress and enslave the American people.

What all of this really means is that the sacred covenant between the government and the governed has been irreparably broken. Moreover, that the social contract between the U.S. citizenry and US government has been completely nullified. And, that the public trust has been irreversibly violated. Which means that the terrible super-taxing yoke of the U.S. Federal Government must be thrown off post-haste.

American Bolshevik Revolution
Approaching Most Dangerous Kinetic Phase

An Armchair Political Analyst
State of the Nation
November 4, 2024

SOTN Editor’s Note: Exactly how does the NWO globalist cabal, which is secretly running the USA from the shadows, plan on manning their American Bolshevik Revolution against the Patriot Movement?

While the NWO cabal is accomplishing several goals by flooding the USA with illegal aliens, there is one pivotal objective that reigns supreme.

By staging one border invasion of after another, the globalists are able to secret into the country millions of military-aged males under cover of being amnesty seekers, war refugees and economic immigrants, which a great number are not. Many are even purposefully released violent criminals seeking their next crime spree in America.

Once these trained mercenaries, experienced soldiers of fortunes and paid terrorists are over the border, they’re ferried to the various 50 states to train for their next missions.

There are essentially 3 duties/destinations for these fighting aged men.

(1) The trained terrorists will be transported to certain cities where they will join highly organized terrorists cells. These cells have been training together for years under the guidance of highly covert units from various organs within the U.S. Intelligence Community. There they will await their future orders.

(2) The paid mercenaries will be sent to extremely clandestine military training camps to be trained in urban and rural guerrilla warfare. Likewise, these secret armies have been training for years under the guidance of highly covert Special Forces within the U.S military. Again, they will await their future orders.

(3) The very willing and much less dangerous economic immigrants, amnesty seekers and war refugees are immediately registered into a “Accelerated Military Path to US Citizenship” program. By volunteering to enter the U.S. Armed Forces, these future grunts are put on a fast-track to full-fledged citizenship with all kinds of perks. However, these future mercs are also put into specially trained regiments and squads who are methodically stripped of any reservation about firing on Americans. The communist-run DoD knows that the average US military service member would not kill their fellow citizens, so they run these foreign recruits through highly manipulative mind-control programs as preparation to man what are basically treasonous brigades. They are essentially socially engineered to kill US citizens upon orders to do so.

KEY POINT: The following exposé explains how all of this highly organized mass murder of the American people will take place under the DOD veneer of fake legality. See: DoD Directive 5240.01: The Stealth Expansion of Military Intelligence Powers in Life-or-Death Domestic Scenarios

Each of these three groupings of extreme enemies of the American Republic serve critical purposes in the staging of the long-planned American Bolshevik Revolution. The Khazarian decision-makers at the very top of this CIA-coordinated color revolution scheme will use basically the same war plan that was utilized during both the 1917 Bolshevik Revolution and subsequent Russian Civil War, if and when they launch this insurrection to save their necks. Back then, the perps also staged the 1918 Spanish Flu Pandemic as well as World War I in order to facilitate the takeover of Russia … just as they launched OPERATION COVID-19 in 2020 and the kinetic phase of World War III in February 2022 between Russia and Ukraine (really NATO).

KEY POINT: Before many of these dangerous mercs even set foot inside the USA, they undergo a preliminary orientation at staging areas such as Darin Gap, Panama. (See: UN RUN TERRORIST TRAINING CAMP FOR INVASION OF AMERICA)

— A Veteran Intelligence Analyst & Former U.S. Military Officer

Source: AMERICAN BOLSHEVIK REVOLUTION: Here’s how you know when they’re crossing the Rubicon

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