Here is the ultra-secret takeover strategy
that has always worked like a charm.
SOTN Editor’s Note: The following excerpt was taken from this spot-on commentary which has several supporting links.
Trump’s domestic policies have been excellent. But they are meant to garner support for his foreign policy — esp. supporting the Greater Israel project — that will be unpopular.
He disingenuously says that Israel’s genocide of Gaza is “not our war: it’s their war” after sending Israel 2000 pound bunker-buster bombs. The US, and the West in general, is guilty of genocide and will NEVER live it down. We are the new Nazis.
His threat to impose a 25% tariff on anyone who doesn’t respond to his demands is troubling. It is impressive that this threat made Colombia accept illegal aliens, but what happens if he starts to deport or imprison Israeli critics here in the US?
He pledges to protect free speech, but does anyone believe this will apply to the critics and resistors of Zionism?
He ends social engineering in the US Armed Forces so they can focus on their primary mission of defeating Israel’s enemies.
Trump sees Gaza from the point of view of a NYC developer. Great profit potential.
Trump has actually said: “Clean Out That Whole Thing” … meaning the people of Gaza.
Trump says he is asking Jordan and Egypt to take as many as 1.5 million Gazans in what would be an historic crime of ethnic cleansing, reports Joe Lauria.
“Almost everything is demolished and people are dying there, so I’d rather get involved with some of the Arab nations and build housing at a different location where they can maybe live in peace for a change,” Trump said.
Building housing “at a different location” means they will never return to Gaza. On Monday, speaking like the New York real estate mogul that he is, Trump referred to Gaza as “a phenomenal location. That place has to be rebuilt in a different way,” he said.
Additionally, Netanyahu says ‘Trump gave him permission to return to war’. Trump suggests ‘Cleansing’ Gaza and Far-Right Israeli leaders effusively approve.
Trump, who referred to Gaza as a “devastated place,” claimed to have discussed the idea with Jordan’s King Abdullah II and planned further talks with Egypt’s President Abdelfattah El-Sisi about accepting Palestinians.
(Source: Trump Prepares to Make Israel Great Again)
Now here’s a perceptive comment which further elaborates the extremely stealthy and deceitful strategy being employed by Trump’s well concealed Khazarian masters as they use him as their “Hitler of the 21st century”.
What’s the really critical point here?
Down through the centuries the Khazarian Cabal has utilized a particular stratagem that unfailingly throws everyone off their trail, until the Internet Era exposed it.
That stratagem has been used by the Zionist State of Israel with tremendous effect and extraordinary success and it goes like this:
Any entity under the sun — nation or corporation, university or NGO, organization or individual — is basically permitted to do anything they want to … … … AS LONG AS THEY THROW THEIR ARDENT AND ABIDING SUPPORT TO ISRAEL.
That’s it.
Now, with this vital understanding, it will be much easier for folks to comprehend the sheer depth and breadth of the highly complex and convoluted Khazarian conspiratorial plot outlined below.
But first here’s just one example of how Trump is “allowed to do anything he wants to” including the perpetration of a “long planned depopulation scheme, highly organized genocidal plot and intentional Extinction Level Event (where Homo sapiens are being replaced by Homo transhumansis)”. Source: STARGATE PROJECT: Dangerous and Deadly to the Extreme…..
Trump Exposes Himself As A
Genocidal Vaccine Traitor
State of the Nation
January 29, 2025
The Mask Comes Off As
Rears Its Ugly Head

There’s something very wrong with this picture!
Submitted by Trump Investigation Team
SOTN Exclusive
This intensive nearly 10 year investigation actually began on June 15, 2015, the day that Donald J. Trump first announced his candidacy for President of the United States of America. It was clear to most of the investigators and researchers on the Trump Investigation Team (TIT) that something very BIG was in the works back then, and we knew that time would eventually reveal everything. And so it has.
This abridged version of the “Special Report”, incidentally, actually takes the form of a fairly lengthy volume; however, because of how quickly things have been exposed since Election Day 2024, there is a tremendous urgency to publish this Executive Summary. Therefore, please be aware that each of the major bullet points that follow below will be elaborated on in the final report, each containing supporting documentation and other hard evidence.
*This prematurely released report is being published today because there are several serious indications that something quite HUGE is in the offing. By that we mean either a series of false flag terror operations or a single beyond 9/11-level terrorist attack carried out to sufficiently shock and awe the American people in order for Trump to either declare martial law, or unlawfully arrogate powers unto himself so he can act as a “supreme ruler”. One of the primary objectives of those terror events will be to immediately cancel the First Amendment to shut down the dissemination of so much radioactive truth across the World Wide Web, particularly those highly precarious disclosures about the rapid build-out of the BEAST SYSTEM and the Zionist scheme to take over the world. See: BEAST SYSTEM: Here’s The Plan. Which is why SOTN is publishing this piece today—Friday, January 24, 2025.
Also, out of deep respect to the several contributors to the TIT, the far-ranging material presented in this preliminary “Special Report” represents only a small compilation of compelling material which has been provided by numerous sources. These include former CIA operatives, FBI agents, NSA employees and members of DARPA and DIA. They also include current deep insiders in the U.S. Intelligence Community as well as Deep State whistleblowers. Some of the most incriminating evidence comes from retired officers of various local law enforcement agencies as well as extremely covert private investigators.
Before we get into the “Executive Summary”, what follows is some vital context.
The multi-decade POTUS psyop
First and foremost, it’s of paramount importance to correctly understand the following:
All of the U.S. presidents going back to 1900 were carefully selected and installed to serve various purposes of The Powers That Be (we’ll get into TPTB later). One of the most intentional purposes was to slowly but surely inculcate what is now known as Political Bipolar Syndrome throughout the American body politic. Such a psychological disorder actually starts out as Political Bipolar Complex which then evolves, in many cases, into a more serious case of Political Bipolar Syndrome whereby various medical ailments and health conditions start to manifest.
The key point here is that criminally installed Joe Biden was deliberately crowned the utterly corrupt “King of America” to drive the Right crazy, just as Manchurian Candidate Barack Obama was planted in the Oval Office before him did.
Likewise, Donald Trump was specifically CHOSEN by the ‘Chosen People’, after decades of highly focused social engineering and mind control programming, to have similar psychogenic impacts on the Left, only with a much more intense and lasting effect. Who, except a hardcore ultra-liberal, would deny the existence Trump Derangement Syndrome today. However, many on the Right have also developed Trump Cult Complex.
What’s the critical point?
As President Franklin Delano Roosevelt once said:
“In politics, nothing happens by accident.
If it happens, you can bet it was
planned that way.”
Which means that naked POTUS imposter Joe Biden was every bit as bad as he truly was BY HIGHLY PURPOSEFUL DESIGN. And so was VPOTUS Kamala Harris such a never-ending unmitigated disaster an essential part of “The Plan”.
Therefore, it should now be plainly obvious that, just as Trump brought desperately needed relief to the Right after 8 long years of Obama, Biden did the same for the Left after Trump’s first term. And, now, here we are again with Trump quite conveniently bringing much needed aid to the Right. The following picture perfectly captures this crucial head-banging dynamic; and yet so much more as will be explained .
Key Bullet Points from Chapter 1: Trump & Hitler
• Just as Nazi Germany was speciously set up as the ‘Third Reich’, the US Empire has actually been established as the “Fourth Reich”; the First Reich being the Roman Empire.
• Donald J. Trump has been fastidiously created since childhood to become the “Adolph Hitler” of the 21st century and, therefore, the Fuhrer of the Fourth Reich. Which is really why the Left fears him so much; they intuitively know that he’s been installed to forever wreck and ruin their little Democrat Party, as it should be.
• Just as Hitler really did make Germany great again according to the precise Zionist plan funded by the London, Frankfurt and New York City banksters, Trump rolled out his MAGA agenda to have a similar impact nationwide which transpired during his first term.
• While Germany experienced a truly dramatic turnaround under Hitler before it was utterly destroyed during WW2, Trump is very busy reversing so many catastrophic Democrat policies so that the USA can be set up for a similar scenario.
• Just as Germany’s social order was devastated by the original cultural marxists operating out of Berlin and Frankfurt pre-World War II, the United States has undergone a similar campaign to irreparably tear the very fabric of American society especially since Obama first took office.
• Just as hardcore Zionists in the form of Jewish industrialists, Ashkenazi banksters, Zionist warmongers and Khazarian terrorists literally put Hitler into power, Trump has been installed as POTUS twice by the same Khazarian Cabal.
• Whereas Adolph Hitler did not even fit the image of the ultimate Aryan übermensch, Donald Trump does physically; and even more as he often surrounds himself with so many northern European blondes and other beautiful people.
• Where Hitler saw his meteoric and miraculous rise to power as Herr Fuhrer through the 1930s, Trump has likewise experienced staged miracles especially during the 2024 election cycle (e.g. two fake assassination attempts he actively participated in plus multiple overturned legal cases in rapid succession quite implausibly right before and after Election Day). Now watch all unfavorable verdicts quickly be overturned on appeal,
• Just as Hitler was surrounded from the very beginning by rapacious Jewish industrialists and bankers, Trump was made by Khazarian Mafia lawyers like Roy Cohn as well as the various Jewish and crypto-Jewish tech titans from Silicon Valley. But it was the NYC real estate attorneys and bankers and particularly casino mobsters in his younger years of the same “Jeffrey Epstein” ilk who really got him started.
• Whereas Hitler had his strategically placed special advisors by the Zionist coterie such as Hermann Göring, Heinrich Himmler, Joseph Goebbels, Martin Bormann, Albert Speer, Rudolf Hess, Joachim von Ribbentrop, Wilhelm Keitel, Reinhard Heydrich and especially Reinhard Gehlen, Trump has assembled — by order of the Khazarian Cabal — a group of Aryan-looking appointees such as Susie Wiles, Elon Musk, Pam Bondi, Pete Hegseth, John Ratcliffe, Kristi Noem, Elise Stefanik, Scott Bessent and Doug Burgum who are all, really, carefully cultivated Zionist pawns.
• Trump has 50% German ancestry (Prussian on his father’s side) and 50% Scottish ancestry on his mother’s side, which indicates that he was specifically selected for his major role during these End Times and particularly with regard to the percolating World War III. Aryan blood purity for the hidden decision-makers is very important for reasons that will be discussed later.
• The false flag terrorist attack known as “Reichstag Fire” on February 27, 1933 gave Hitler the justification to seize power via the Enabling Act, granting him near-absolute power to enact laws without the parliament’s approval thus effectively establishing a dictatorship. Similarly, the false flag wave of bioterrorism beginning in January of 2020 using the COVID-19 bioweapon created the false pretext for Trump to lock down the country and to enforce an undeclared martial law which permitted both the POTUS and Executive Branch to exercise dictatorial powers.
• Just as Hitler was both goaded and provoked into making some major proclamations and provocative moves regarding Germany’s territory to aggressively expand the Third Reich, Trump has already done the same by threatening Greenland, Panama and even Canada, all with the furtive goal of advancing the NWO enterprise known as the North American Union.
• Just as the fiercely nationalist Hitler was stealthily set up by the British and American globalists of his day to fight the Soviet communists, Trump is both a Republican fascist and arch-capitalist being propped up to fight all leftist governments around the globe such as Venezuela and Cuba, and especially the most communist-leaning governments, as well as to cunningly lead a regime change against Russia from behind the Khazarian curtain.
• Just as Hitler was well-known to be regularly drugged by his personal physicians for various reasons as well as mind controlled since his early years of programming by the Tavistock Institute, so, too, is Trump being subjected to a heavy duty regimen of high-powered psychoactive drugs as well as being the victim of a life-long MK-Ultra Monarch-level mind control program. His awkwardly strained relationship with Melania in public, reflected by so many behavioral glitches, is a testament to this ongoing predicament.
• Both Hitler and Trump were profoundly influenced by their respective mentors during their young adulthood which served to significantly shape their future leadership personas. Whereas Hitler was mentored in the arts of “dark charisma” by Dietrich Eckart, Trump was trained in the dog-eat-dog ways of New York City real estate by pit-bull attorney Roy Cohn who was the “Aleister Crowley” of the legal profession.
• Although born into Christian families, neither Hitler nor Trump really practiced their religious faiths during adulthood since doing so would cause too much deep conflict with their assigned missions in life. However, they both aligned with political parties that drew heavily upon Christian ideals, values and principles in their pursuit of power. Both the National Socialism movement of Nazi Germany and Republican Party of the USA have traditionally appealed/appeal to a very large and loyal Christian base.
• Hitler launched his Four Year Plan which “aimed to rapidly rearm the German economy and prepare it for war within a four-year timeframe” just as Trump second MAGA 4 year term has recently launched by declaring the rebuilding U.S. Armed Forces as a #1 priority after launching the Space Force during his first term knowing that all future wars will be won using the most advanced satellite-based weaponry.
• Hitler “was sentenced for his role in the Beer Hall Putsch of November 8, 1923 — the attempted coup in Munich by right-wing members of the army and the Nazi Party that was foiled by the government — which saw Hitler charged with and convicted of high treason, he was out of jail before the end of the year with his political position stronger than ever”. Similarly, Trump was repeatedly accused of leading an insurrection at the Capitol on January 6, 2021 with a politically motivated special counsel appointed to investigate the alleged treason whereupon his election prospects increased considerably.
• Both Hitler and Trump appeared on the scene when their societies were undergoing tremendous social upheavals. Just as Ashkenazi Jewry was persecuted and prosecuted by Hitler, Muslims were targeted by Trump during his first term with Islamic Iran in his crosshairs in this second term. He never expressed any concern about the horrific Gaza genocide being financially supported by US tax dollars, militarily supported by the U.S. Armed Forces and materially supported by the American Military Industrial Complex.
• Hitler’s preoccupation with the occult was widely known throughout the upper echelons of the Nazi regime as demonstrated by his association with different secret societies such as the Vril Society and Thule Society. Similarly, Trump has a long documented association with Chabad-Lubavitch which belongs to the Haredi branch of Orthodox Judaism and holds Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson as the long prophesied the Jewish messiah.
• Just as Hitler’s Germany witnessed the Kristallnacht or the Night of Broken Glass which saw riots, looting, arson and pogroms against the Jews perpetrated nationwide, Trump’s America experienced the George Floyd death-inspired riots which saw cities across the USA descend into massive riots, extensive looting, frequent arson and wanton destruction of businesses.
• Hitler’s Nazi regime was notorious for conducting inhumane and dangerous medical experiments on prisoners and other unwilling subjects under the direction of Dr. Josef Mengele. Similarly, Trump has proudly taken credit for Operation Warp Speed, the most injurious and deadly medical experiment of all time that was aggressively promoted by the infamous Dr. Tony Fauci, whom many now consider to be a medical mafia hitman. More recently, he has launched the Stargate Project which will put Operation Warp Speed on super steroids.
• Both Hitler and Trump were well known to be extreme germophobes. This frequent symptom of OCPD (Obsessive-compulsive personality disorder) is a very common byproduct for individuals who have been victimized by the various control freaks who function as their handlers from cradle to grave. It’s also the result of the understandable paranoia that inevitably occurs in the aftermath of so much personality-fracturing fear-mongering and personality polarization. The maintenance of the perfect physical image is also an OCD factor as we see with Trump’s ever-present tan and fastidiously coiffed hair.
• Both Hitler and Trump stand out among all world leaders in the way their hidden masters permitted them to completely be themselves without a hint of political correctness. Just as Tump’s handlers “let Trump be Trump”, Hitler’s also pushed him out onto the stage pumped up to jack up his massive crowds with what is now known as “Hitlerian oratory”. In both cases, their refreshing spontaneity, raw intensity and rare honesty, about the most important matters for the citizenry, instantly captivated the masses. Only JFK ever spoke with such sincerity, but quite infrequently, and in direct opposition to his original sponsors.
• It’s quite unlikely that Hitler and Trump were aware of the intensive mind control programming they were subjected to as well as the psychotropic drugs which facilitated their decades-long social engineering projects. This crucial likelihood allowed them both to project total authenticity whereas their political opponents invariably looked like stooges and cut-outs and, therefore, easily defeated.
• The public image of Hitler was methodically fabricated by his well-concealed Khazarian masters so that he would become the most hated man in modern history. Likewise, Trump was purposefully rolled out in much the same manner especially within the secular Jewish realm, but even to a markedly greater degree because of how the Internet has been used to dramatically scale up the demonization campaign worldwide. The CIA’s globalized Mockingbird Media utilizes its full spectrum dominance to ensure that every person on Earth has heard about “Trump le Terrible” and especially: “Trump is an American Hitler”
• The final point of this first chapter is this: While Trump has been programmed to become an American Hitler, that does not mean he will become one. For there are many uncontrollable factors and unpredictable variables at work in this extremely dynamic and ever-changing End Times drama. Nevertheless, if Trump does attempt to go off script, he will break the sacrosanct contract that he signed as the current CEO with the secret owners of the US CORPORATION. Much more significantly, there would have to be a sea change within the Board of Directors that would permit Trump to diverge from the script which has been written specifically for him. Exactly who wrote that script will be divulged in a later chapter. And precisely how the owners and directors would deal with any disobedience can be extrapolated from the JFK assassination after the 35th POTUS courageously left the NWO reservation.
• WARNING! The way every wannabe dictator unlawfully grabs power is to use “shock and awe” flag operations, as well as other seemingly real and extremely impactful terrorist attacks on the nation (e.g. cyberattack) in order to declare illicit authority and/or exercise illegitimate powers. This strategy allows the tyrant-in-the-making to arrogate more and more powers unto himself to address serious matters of grave concerns, which were entirely fabricated, on the way to crossing the line into full-blown despotism. This is why the Reichstag Fire was perpetrated by the Nazis precisely four weeks after Adolf Hitler was sworn in as Chancellor of Germany. Which means that the very same playbook may be used anytime in the coming days, or weeks, or months by Team Trump.
• TAKEAWAY: Every populace gets the leaders they deserve. However, because 2025 is far from 1933 in so many profoundly significant ways, the predominant collective will of the U.S. citizenry will determine how the next four years will unfold. In other words, the ultimate destiny of this nation is still being shaped even as we write this. The homogeneous German people were completely captivated by Hitler and, therefore, totally succumbed to his Khazarian-dictated agenda. The American body politic, on the other hand, is extremely fractured and more skeptical than ever; and particularly suspicious of ALL politicians as they should be. Virtually all of Trump’s presidential actions thus far have been irrefutably lawful, quite timely, and desperately needed but almost too good to be true. Which means that the ever-vigilant Patriot Movement must hold his feet to the fire whenever necessary, as well as function as the Republic’s true guardian as never before.
• Operation Paperclip, which was originally called Operation Overcast, was quite successful in covertly transporting high-ranking Nazis into the USA at the end of World War II in order to surreptitiously transform the United States of America into the Fourth Reich. However, that secret US intelligence program did not just bring German scientists, engineers, physicians, etc. to the states; in fact, Paperclip brought many military and political Nazi members whose primary goal was to set up a shadow government, which it did under the notorious German military and intelligence officer Reinhard Gehlen who was known as “Hitler’s Super Spy”. The C.I.A. was effectively ponerized throughout its incipient stages of development by Gehlen and his Nazi ilk to the degree that a clandestine parallel government was insidiously set up, much of which is treasonously serviced by today’s U.S. Intelligence Community.
The preceding bullet points represent roughly one chapter in Volume I of this “Special Report” which contains 20 chapters. (The unfilled bullet points shown above will be soon added over the coming weeks for Chapter 2.) Each successive chapter will provide revelations that are more sensitive and ‘classified’ than the previous chapter(s). All of which means that this exposé will continue over an indefinite future timeline.
This lengthy work-in-progress has just been prioritized #1 on our agenda. Hence, this exhaustive report is currently being distilled down to executive summary bullet points, as listed above, which will convey the most important information about the long planned and highly organized complex conspiratorial plot to permanently overthrow the American Republic. So please be patient and thank you for your understanding.
In the meantime, the following factual analysis of Trump’s first term is a prerequisite in order to understand what is about to unfold during his second term:
TRUMP: No Longer The Enigma As These Investigations Reveal
To be continued —
Key Bullet Points from Chapter 2: Trump & Esptein
Trump Investigation Team
State of the Nation
January 24, 2025
Special Note: The following video is perhaps more telling about the real Donald Trump than all the radioactive bullet points soon to be listed in this exposé.
When a video is worth a million words