No POTUS ever stops the build-out of the BEAST SYSTEM…..
In point of fact, whoever is installed in the Oval Office both
agrees to and is stealthily used to greatly advance the
insidiously emerging AI-driven totalitarian technocracy.
SOTN Editor’s Note
People, Patriots and Passport-holders: There is ONLY one way to tear down the BEAST SYSTEM—ONE WAY!!!
Such an arduous and formidable enterprise cannot be a top-down project. Such a daunting and herculean task must be a bottom-up endeavor. For only We the People, who have unwittingly yet narcissistically supported that beastly system, can destroy it.
There is no other way.
There is no other way.
There is no other way.
And, if such a difficult and colossal undertaking is to be both successful and enduring, it must be launched as a divinely ordained mission. In other words, given the overwhelming power and pervasive influence of the BEAST SYSTEM, only the “Mandate of Heaven” will sufficiently empower We the People to tear it down.
Which brings us to the extremely important notion of destiny as it concerns the American Republic.
These once United States of America have just completed a 248-year cycle known in certain circles as “Pluto Return”. Which means that the American Revolutionary Period, punctuated on July 4th, 1776, was the last time this nation experienced very similar energies marked by intense rebellion and tumult; and especially the very natural and universal desire for freedom … for bona fide independence.
However, only the liberation of the human spirit on a mass scale will create the necessary national environment for the BEAST SYSTEM to undergo a free-fall collapse. Which means that there must be a critical mass of US citizens who fervently yearn to live free from the most oppressive BEAST SYSTEM (BS) ever created (and surreptitiously foisted on the USA in order to morph the nation into the military arm of the New World Order).
KEY POINTS: The American political Left has been completely captured by the BEAST SYSTEM, which means a large percentage of the populace will work hard to resist the true impetus of this ongoing Second American Revolution. As for the Right, it has been stealthily co-opted by Trump’s MAGA movement which really believes that he is the “Savior” as evidenced by one of his most absurd and hilarious monikers—“God Emperor”. Remember, there is never a savior leader in the political firmament who can or will save the day. In the case of Trump, the very same banksters who put Biden in office just installed Trump in the Oval Office for a second time. Then there is the political middle comprised of true Independents, authentic Patriots, ardent Truth-seekers and the like. This is where the real action must take place if the BEAST SYSTEM is to be torn down. However, these folks, who are cut from the same bolt of cloth as the valiant Founding Fathers and their brave supporters, must build their nation-saving enterprise on an extremely firm spiritual foundation. For when God is missing, there is no victory even if we topple the BEAST SYSTEM. This is what has been missing; and this is what must be done, if the American Republic can even be saved at this late date.
Since the BEAST SYSTEM is primarily supported by those who are thoroughly addicted to acting out of fear, when they leave the fear-mongering BS game, it’s game over for the BEAST. For when those heretofore fearful citizens expressly withdraw their energy and remove their backing from all beastly institutions and organizations, leaders and influencers, everything changes in a day and a night.
Nevertheless, a bigger test is that the American body politic must pass through a crucial phase of self empowerment whereby all fears and trepidations are left behind. For it is the BS-manufactured apprehensions and constant state of anxiety, which plague and inevitably paralyze any society that has been relentlessly socially engineered into a narcissistic lifestyle, that truly imprisons US. Which means that all of US have been captured by that NWO agenda of narcissism to varying degrees because of how the countless bankster-funded Tavistock-level mind control programs have been running in the background since the Federal Reserve Act of 1913.
However, please know that there is a very simple and unfailing formula to carry out this plan for the American people to throw off the yoke of the BEAST SYSTEM. This formula can be used both individually and collectively, but it really acquires the necessary power to bring down the BEAST when a critical mass of citizens coalesce around it.
It may sound too simple but it’s the first major step toward final liberation from the pernicious planetary penitentiary notoriously known as the BEAST SYSTEM. Don’t forget, we are really incarcerated by our flawed belief systems, false concepts, fabricated limitations, as well as fake principles, values and ideals. Because that’s how the BEAST really imprisoned US all in the first place—it conned each of us into walking into our own prison cell OF OUR OWN ACCORD. Now it’s time to bust out, but first we need to understand “The Plan”. As follows……
State of the Nation
January 21, 2025
N.B. Now it’s time to be starkly aware of exactly what’s going on as we all move forward over the next four years as the following analysis reveals. But first, here are 3 videos that explain the details — perps, places and times — of the actual scheme(s) being executed to rapidly manifest the BEAST SYSTEM worldwide.
Exposing the Kabbalah Agenda of Genocide
The World Genocide Plan of 2023 thru 2030
The Zionist Plan To Destroy The World Revealed
It’s all a game: Both ‘sides’ serve the same master,
which is a Luciferian beast system driven by
technocracy and AI
Americans have been deceived into thinking in terms of Democrat-Republican with one ‘side’ being good, the other evil. The two ‘sides’ play good cop-bad cop with a common goal of advancing the system.
Leo Hohmann
There’s a tension in the land heading into Monday’s inauguration in Washington, D.C. Is it just me, or do you feel it too?
Hardcore leftists are whining about Trump coming into office, fearing he will exact revenge on them. They are positive he is going to “round them up” and cast them into concentration camps.
On the flip side, the internet is full of conservative hand wringing about an imminent terrorist attack or some other “big event” that will take place and stop Donald Trump from being inaugurated on Monday.
Some of this is just content creators looking for clicks. But many are genuinely worried about Monday.
Anything is possible, but I’m going to go out on a limb and say that I believe Donald Trump will be sworn into office Monday as the 47th president of the United States as scheduled.
Why do I believe that?
Let me explain.
These false narratives feed the left-right paradigm that has divided our country for decades. The latest iteration of this paradigm uses Donald Trump as a lightning rod. He is capable of appearing simultaneously as ultra-hero superman and sinister villain, depending on one’s political persuasion.
I don’t buy that the globalist, elitist predator class is truly scared of Trump, or that they are dreading the next four years. Did Barack Obama appear the least bit worried about a Trump presidency while speaking with Trump at last week’s funeral for former President Jimmy Carter? No, in fact the two men looked quite chummy and happy to be in each other’s presence.
I believe the globalist elites see Trump as an opportunity. In the eyes of the Bill Gates’ and Peter Thiels of the world, Donald Trump is just another politician who can be managed. They did it during his first term, when they got him to launch Operation Warp Speed, which was the biggest gift handed to the globalist depopulation-obsessed elites since World War II.
And they will get Trump to hand them another prize in his second term, whether that be another set of death shots, digital IDs for all, or the next big World War.
You see, these political jitters where the left fears the right and the right fears the left, are solely a symptom of the working-class and middle-class masses.
Most of those in the billionaire class see themselves as above petty politics. They know they can cozy up and get the ear of whoever is in office, whether it be Donald Trump or Joe Biden.
This has been clearly evident over the past several weeks. We’ve seen members of the globalist predator class such as Mark Zuckerberg, Mika Brzezinski and Bill Gates go and kiss the ring of Donald Trump and pledge their fealty to him. Or is he pledging his fealty to them? Either way, I find it very telling
Bill Gates just completed an over three-hour “very congenial” meeting with Trump a couple of days ago.
Watch the short clip below and tell me, does Gates look or sound the least bit worried that he’s now having to deal with Donald Trump instead of Joe Biden in order to keep the U.S. government on board with his nefarious “public health” agenda?
Note that Trump had his chief of staff, Susie Wiles, a promoter of the death shots and a professional Big Pharma shill, in the meeting with himself and Gates. Noticeably absent from a meeting on the topic of “public health” was Trump’s own pick to lead the Department of Health and Human Services, Robert F. Kennedy Jr.
It appears Kennedy is in the process of being edged out of Trump’s inner circle, at least the part of Kennedy that represents sanity on vaccines.
A January 18 article in Zero Hedge reports that Trump has “sidelined” all “anti-vaxxer” advisors from his transition team. The article noted:
While “anti-vaxxers” are reportedly getting the boot from Team Trump because the issue is a “political loser,” per insider sources familiar with the drama, Trump is seemingly very open to the insights that Bill Gates has on offer.
Would Trump really be interested in the views of Bill Gates if he agreed with us that Gates is a psychopathic technocrat bent on depopulating the world?
Here’s the bottom line: IT’S ALL A GAME!
All of the major political figures on the world stage today, whether they know it or not, are playing roles in a larger stage production owned and operated by “the system.” In fact, I would posit that this is the beast system described in the Bible that has placed the earth on a fast-track to destruction, and the politicians are playing along, dutifully approving taxpayer funding of AI data centers and the digitital enslavement of humanity. The mission for Donald Trump’s White House will be to advance the system’s goals of digitizing Americans. If at the end of his term we do not have biometric digital IDs for all citizens and the launching of an alternative national “reserve currency,” I will be shocked.
Trump will do some things that continue to contribute to his image as a larger-than-life super hero in the eyes of conservative Americans. He will deport or cause the self-deportation of several million illegal aliens. He will build a border wall. He will shore up the voting system with a new digital voter ID law. And he will clamp down on crime mostly through surveillance technology and re-empowering police. But in the final analysis, he will not slow down one iota the advancement of the growing beast system, which is being brought in under the guise of technological prowess and making America great again.
There will be no MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN. That is a bunch of clever Madison Avenue marketing that is giving people one last gasp of false hope that the system can be somehow reformed and brought back into a position where it serves the freedom-loving people of America, rather than the people slavishly serving the system as it has been for many decades now.
Republican presidents tend to play set up for their Democrat counterparts. Bush created the Department of Homeland Security and gave us the USA Patriot Act, with its secret FISA Court spying powers under Section 702, and said it was needed to root out foreign terrorists, then Obama weaponized the same national-security apparatus against conservative American citizens. Trump used Operation Warp Speed to create the toxic death shots, then Biden took office and weaponized the shots, mandating them on our military, law enforcement and health-care professionals.
It also works in reverse. Joe Biden and Lloyd Austin feminized the military, encouraging the trannies to dress up in skirts and take showers with our military men. Talk about demoralizing. This drastically reduced the ability of the military to recruit real men, and emboldened Russia and other nations to make the geostrategic moves that they had been holding back on making but felt were necessary to maintain their soveriegnty.
But not to worry. Enter Trump and Pete Hegseth to reinvent the military with much fanfare, bringing back, as Hegseth has repeatedly said, a “warrior” mentality, just in time to beef up recruiting efforts for the planned war with Russia.
Biden infected the left with anti-law enforcement sentiments, and Trump will build these forces back up, perhaps so a future Democrat president can weaponize them against Trump supporters.
Biden opened the border to everyone who wanted to come to America, regardless of their intentions or talents, leading to a wave of violent crime. Trump will use the public dissatisfaction from Biden’s open-borders policy to finish building the wall and normalizing the appearance of armed federal agents searching the streets of America for undesirables. This sets up a future Democrat president to turn those federal agents against we the people and use Trump’s border wall to keep Americans in, rather than foreigners out.
People are on edge. You can sense it in the general public when you’re out and about running errands or amongst your friends and family in dinner-table discussions.
This is to be expected in a time of rapid change. People sense that things are about to change quite dramatically and they’re not sure if they are ready for it. They’re not sure if Trump is who they hope he is. But they’re not ready to suspend their hope in the man they elected.
People are scared for their jobs, their businesses. Will they survive in a new era dominated by artificial intelligence?
And these are the smarter ones. Most aren’t even aware that AI is taking over the world, much less their jobs and their lives over the next five years.
Lord help us.