TRUMP CABINET APPOINTEES: Not a single one will be confirmed by the U.S. Senate if…..

…they do not explicitly agree not to cross a single boundary dictated by the ultra-secret shadow government that has been covertly running the
US CORPORATION since the Federal Reserve Act
of 1913.

“What this highly staged and captivating drama also means is that every single one of Trump’s most controversial appointees is actually ON A VERY SHORT LEASH.  If any of them has not agreed to stay within certain bounds in advance of their approval by the Senate, their nominations will be torpedoed—BIG TIME!  And, those who are approved will not venture into any dangerous territory that would expose the entire U.S. Federal Government as the largest international and institutional crime syndicate in world history.”
(Source: Jimmy Carter Funeral Graphically Exposes “The Art Of The Deal”, But…..)

Little do people know anywhere that the tyrannical
and well-concealed owners of the unconstitutional
US CORPORATION will simply never permit any
appointee into their high office, unless they have
signed an ironclad contract that essentially and
enforcedly prevents independent leadership, which
they will only violate on pain of death or worse.

Submitted by A Veteran Politico & Deep Insider
State of the Nation
January 15, 2025

SOTN Editor’s Note: Does anyone believe that Deep State would allow
any U.S. Attorney General to take office who intended on prosecuting
the very real crimes of treason against the American Republic, as
well as sedition against a sitting POTUS, committed by previous administrations? 

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