Why are captivating state funerals often used to convey the most radioactive truths?

Jimmy Carter Funeral Graphically
“The Art Of The Deal”, But…..

… … … What Was The Deal?

*Preceding four photos were taken at Jimmy Carter’s state funeral held in Washington, D.C.

State of the Nation

First, a short description of the actual political context that has been overwhelming these once United States of America.

Not only is the USA facing an unprecedented constitutional crisis on several major fronts, there has been a veritable civil war between the Left and the Right since Donald Trump first declared in June of 2015.

Given this extremely polarized state of affairs, which has absolutely no chance of reconciliation, the conservative side of this raging conflict has been the target of one criminal scheme after another, one felonious conspiratorial plot after another, one corrupt prosecution after another.

So, what we’re really talking about is that the extremely dangerous international crime syndicate known as the Democrat Party, in collusion with their stealthy RINO co-conspirators, have committed one crime spree after another against Republican leaders, organizations, candidates, citizens, etc.  Similarly, the communist-run Democrat Party and their Uniparty henchmen have perpetrated the most heinous crime waves against the American people in U.S. history. (This current predicament in no way insinuates that the Republican Party is not just as corrupt and criminal in their many ill-doings.)

What this really means is that soon-to-be President Trump has no choice but prosecute them all to the fullest extent of the law for treason against the American Republic and sedition against a sitting POTUS and presidential candidate.  By the way, in light of the seriousness of those multifarious criminal conspiracies, only capital punishment would be appropriate to serve as a deterrent to future subversive lawbreakers (which The Powers That Be would never let transpire).

Therefore, Trump is now facing one of two options on and after Inauguration Day.  Either he goes after them all; or he folds.

If he were to completely bulldoze Deep State as the wrecking ball he was elected to be both times, they would have already taken him out.

In point of fact, if Trump were to shut down the C.I.A. as it should be, they would have already assassinated him.

If President Trump had any intention of shutting down the DOJ, FBI, DHS, ATF, DEA, etc. as they all ought to be, he would have never been elected.

Likewise, if Trump shutters the Federal Reserve and IRS, as well as the CDC, NIH, FDA and HHS for their genocidal criminal activity against the populace going back several decades, he would be in prison today and not on his way to the White House.

KEY POINTS: Administrative deep state have ruled the realms since time immemorial.  As a matter of historical fact, every empire and kingdom, nation and country, province and state, county and city has been quietly dominated by their respective “deep states”.  Kings and queens, presidents and prime minsters change, the administrative deep states do not.   Trump knows this well after his utterly disastrous first term; and he’s especially knows “you can’t fight city hall”, except on pain of total and complete ruination or worse!

All of which means that Trump made a deal quite similar to the one that he did as delineated here:

   FLASHBACK: Bush Funeral “Envelope Affair” Solved:
The Mexican Standoff Inside the Beltway

Now watch this very telling video of President-elect Trump explain away his highly suspicious funeral interaction with Barack Hussein Obama to really understand the true state of domestic affairs from January 20th onward.

WOWZER! It’s not very often that the very glib Gemini
Donald Trump is at a loss for words like he is here…..

As for the actual deal that Trump made with ALL of his worst enemies, this is probably what it looks like.

But first lets take a close look at some of the actual recent outcomes which have undoubtedly occurred since the dirty deal was made (by the way, Trump had absolutely no choice).

The US Congress certified Trump’s electoral victory without so much as a whimper or a  whisper from the usually screeching and strident Democrat congressional traitors.  Wow, how did that happen without a hitch … … … except by an ironclad backroom deal being struck.  Even dyed-in-the-wool communist Jamie Raskin did not squawk, squeal and scream as he always does in the House chamber and throughout the CIA’s Mockingbird Media.

Next, Trump’s sentencing hearing ended without any type of punishment.  Yes, he is now an officially convicted felon, but there was no penalty dispensed to fit the non-crime.  That was a very significant event, particularly in light of 9+ years of nonstop persecution and prosecution.

Then there is the 2024 POTUS election.  The all-powerful U.S. Intelligence Community and gargantuan Military Industrial Complex would never have let Trump into the Oval Office a second time unless he first agreed to do their bidding.  Which really means that Trump’s primary purpose is to continue America’s never-ending political Kabuki theater for at least four more years (as described in the following exposé), but especially to create the maximum distraction necessary during the upcoming controlled demolition of the U.S. economy.  After all, Trump is a well-known bankruptcy artist, YES?!

2024 ELECTION PSYOP: It’s Not What You Think

What this highly staged and captivating drama also means is that every single one of Trump’s most controversial appointees is actually ON A VERY SHORT LEASH.  If any of them has not agreed to stay within certain bounds in advance of their approval by the Senate, their nominations will be torpedoed—BIG TIME!  And, those who are approved will not venture into any dangerous territory that would expose the entire U.S. Federal Government as the largest international and institutional crime syndicate in world history.

Folks, how, pray tell, can the seriously wounded and rapidly aging Trump, along with his merry band of well-intentioned Don Quixotes, ever take on the deepest and most entrenched Deep State of the past 5000 years?

How, pray tell, can Trump’s administration expect those routinely treacherous and perfidious, treasonous and mutinous, traitorous and seditious deep staters to ever carry out his oft-stated MAGA agenda?!

To be continued —

But do we really need to continue this commentary?  Just look again at those pics at the top of this post.  And then watch and listen very carefully to Trump in this very revealing video:

Trump Inadvertently Reveals The Radioactive Truth
About The Harsh Reality He’s Facing:

Oh, yeah, about that deal: Trump promises not to prosecute anyone and everyone who is stone-cold guilty of actionable crimes against the American Republic since January 20, 2017 … if the Democrats will not make his second term even more difficult than the first by obstructing every major item on the MAGA agenda.

State of the Nation
January 10, 2025

Editor’s Note: Make no mistake about the fact that Trump quite deliberately put on that little funeral drama with Obama.  A follow-up article will explain why he would ever do such a thing.  However, what happens between now and Inauguration Day is crucial to confirming his hidden intentions, so let’s see what transpires … … … and what does not occur.


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