6,000,000 Debunked In 3 Minutes And 35 Seconds by Holohoax expert David Irving, Ph.D.
There’s a sermon video on YouTube with Pastor Col. Jack Mohr who said that his old military buddy (from his days in the Korean War), who had risen in the ranks and worked at the Pentagon and had top secret clearance, told Jack that one day he came across documentation which showed that 5 million European Jews had come to America right before the WW2 really got going and that many took on English and Irish surnames.
I say they hit 2 or 3 birds with that one stone as now they could infiltrate our churches and seminaries, corporations and governments, universities and NGOs while pretending to be white Christians. I believe that most of the ‘white’ Christian senators and congressmen are in fact Jews and crypto-Jews.
Biden no doubt is one as all the presidents before him back to Reagan were all Jews; plus, Biden’s 3 children ALL married Jews. White Catholics all marry Jews? What are the odds that all of his kids would marry outside their race and religion? The Bushes (NWO pushers and 9/11 collaborators) are Jews. Bill AND Hillary are also Jews and; remember Chelsea Clinton had to get her Jew nose chopped down and then she also married a Jew, just exactly like Ivanka Trump who was obviously Jewish in appearance before her nose job and dying her dark hair blonde to fool us all into thinking that Trump and his family are “white Christians” and they are NOT!
Trump is a crypto-Jew and a Freemason. Obama’s mother was a Jewess which makes him a Jew and I believe Biden is a crypto. ALL of the main candidates the last few elections have all been Jews. Biden, Hillary, Bloomberg, Sanders, Obama and Trump. ALL are Jews and if you don’t believe me you can look them up on jewishgen.org. Biden is the only one not on there but I believe he is one too. And Trump’s ancestors are on there as well. German and Scottish my arse! What a joke on us, America!!!
Comment posted by socaltimmy1 below this video: https://www.bitchute.com/video/ynVnqmoBB3ng