The ‘Science’ of a Pandemic

Renee Parsons

After an uneventful January 6th certification of Trump’s presidential legitimacy conducted by a tentative GOP, uncertain of its advantage over the Democrats, Trump prepares for his oath of office as 47th President.  

The pharmaceutical industry and its public health cronies throughout the Federal government and its bio-research university recipients, past purveyors of the 2020 Covid pandemic, are stressed out over American resistance to their latest pandemic proposal. The accelerated plan to rouse the H5N1 bird flu as the next biologic pathogen worth a comparable universal Covid campaign has stumbled. 

It is surprising that given the current global debate rehashing Covid’s historic safety record with 35 million Covid cases in 2021 and a death toll over 600,000, that Science has escaped any incisive assessment to justify a global assault on civil liberties, common sense, economic sanity or legal rights during Covid. 

Since Covid’s pandemic declaration as a national emergency in January, 2020, it was clear to independent thinkers within the public health community as well as millions of Americans that the new health crisis failed to identify ‘Science’ as the culprit but that Covid clearly existed outside the bounds of Science. 

An inherent conflict within the classification of Science debates the notion that reality has already been thoroughly regurgitated and explained ad nauseum and there is nothing new to discover.   

Based on a delusion that Science is an established belief system that has already accumulated all the answers, further suggesting that Science understands and can explain the nature of reality to the satisfaction of all future disputes and questions.    

Therefore, it stands to reason that if self described ‘Scientists’ with letters after their name, proclaim a series of viruses to be contagious or dangerous to public health, that should be sufficient cause for 330 million Americans to pay attention and heed their word as gospel.

Nothing could be further from the truth as we now know that the basis for the Covid pandemic was fraught with suppositions, wishful thinking as well as a deeply entwined psy op with multiple Federal government agencies including movers and shakers within the biomedical/weapons defense industry as well as Pharma and Big Media as essential players. 

Upon closer scrutiny, the validity of Science can be recognized as a self-directed method of inquiry, an examination based on hypothesis, including reason, evidence and collective investigation.  Instead, there is now a prevalent world view espoused by those who would benefit financially from its favors; to inhibit and restrict such open analysis will not fit their prescribed dogmatic view of reality.  Vast financial reward and expanded public image are powerful incentives to being acknowledged a Great Healer. 

That world view accepts reality as an entrenched element of a philosophical materialism that relies on a linear intellectualism, a materialist yet one-dimensional narcissistic mind that substitutes a conscious, organic awareness as an essential instrument for persistence of the human race.  

As every true scientist knows, all Science is not black or white.  Science requires a question for every concept in which the first duty of every scientist is to directly challenge their own findings and assumptions.  It is the scientific way to doubt, to be critical and to double check everything rather than to pursue multi million dollar patents and assume a superfluous label of ‘Science’ is the end of the story.  

Initially, when President Trump dared to contradict the nation’s federal public health agencies, including the Food and Drug Administration and the CDC against lockdowns and mandated masks, he publicly supported hyrodroxychloroquine and got hammered by ‘knowledgeable’ uniparty influences and Big Pharma cronies.  

Those same therapeutic insiders control billions of tax dollars on behalf of a multitude of captured federal health agencies who fund multi billion dollar grants to some of the nation’s most prestigious academic institutions which double as weaponized health research facilities. 


In 1969,  President Richard Nixon’s Statement on Chemical and Biological Defense Policies and Programs spelled the end of the US offensive biological weapons program as it asserted a no-first-use for US chemical weapons. 

At the same time, following a fifty year delay, Nixon re-ratified the Geneva Convention, originally ratified in 1918, as he championed the first multilateral disarmament treaty to ban an entire category of weapons of mass destruction citing biological weapons as‘unreliable’.     The United States shall renounce the use of lethal biological agents and weapons, and all other methods of biological warfare. The United States will confine its biological research to defensive measures such as immunization and safety measures.”

With a supportive Secretary of Defense, Nixon’s Pentagon balked at participating in an open joint Congressional hearing on the state of the country’s chemical-biological warfare. They were allowed to escape public scrutiny. 

By 2023, 185 nations were parties to the Biological Weapons Convention which forbid research on offensive bioweapons.  Unfortunately, the Convention provided no oversight, no site inspection, no enforcement mechanism and no penalties for non compliance.   In other words, offenders had an open door to interpret the Convention to suit their needs. 

The Convention also left a gaping ‘dual use’ loophole which allowed pathogenic micro-organism development for peaceful or defensive purposes such as vaccines. Identified as ‘dual use’ since offensive and defensive research resemble similar laboratory techniques; therefore making it problematic to distinguish the difference as the bioweapon cartel cleverly, under the pretext of producing vaccines, built a vast global enterprise that continues to grow into a Bazillionaire industry with no limits on immunity from vaccine prosecution.   

In addition, Nixon ordered the destruction of the current stock of all US anti-personnel biological agents and munitions in 1972, costing $12 million.  It may be that Nixon’s bioweapon opposition contributed to his eventual impeachment and removal from the Presidency in 1972.   

No similar examination of the country’s biowarfare program was revisited until President Ronald Reagan allowed the country’s neo-con war hawks in 1981 to resurrect the US dormant bioweapons program.  Upon the demise of the Soviet Union, an aggressive foreign policy allowed the US to initiate a technically superior bioweapon empire that quickly expanded into a global hegemon.  

Professor Franics Boyle further identified the opportunity for neo-cons to wrap vaccines under the cover of defensive bioweapons including synthetic biology, DNA genetic engineering and other new bioweapon vistas. 

 The neo-cons also included CIA outreach to American universities to conduct ‘dual use’ projects for any disease that qualified for the Biologic Defense Research Program with increased annual funding to unparalleled billions of dollars.


Pediatrician Dr. Peter Hotez, professor of Virology and Microbiology at Baylor University, has warned that ‘multiple viruses’ will be unleashed immediately after Trump is sworn in.  Hotez denied ever saying ‘unleashed’ but rather that there are ‘some big picture stuff coming down the pike starting January 21;” predicting a new coronavirus, mosquito-borne diseases like dengue and Zika, and a rising trend in other vaccine-preventable diseases – all coincidental to begin the day after Trump’s inauguration.   

The Hotez history includes leading a team of ‘researchers’ to develop vaccines in 2020 against Sars, Mers and the Coronavirus asserting that the US can expect to be affected by COVID-19 for “years and years” even after Americans are vaccinated. 

Also codirector of the Texas Children’s Hospital Center for Vaccine Development;, not surprisingly, Hotez was awarded the 2023 Anthony Fauci Courage in Leadership Award from the Infectious Diseases Society of America.[37 In addition, Hotez was one of four physicians honored by the AMA’s Scientific Achievement Award  for their Covid vaccine commitment and is spokesperson on behalf of the WHO which Trump promised to resign US membership.    

While infamous funder of biowarfare laboratory inventions that have infected the globe, entrepreneur Bill Gates provided $9.5 M to the University of Wisconsin to make bird flu transmissible to humans.  What initiative might motivate Gates to make a Bird Flu viral pathogen compatible with humanity other than the promise of a lucrative financial payback remains questionable. 

By contrast, Dr. Robert Malone, father of the MRNA technology, has provided an updated threat assessment which confirms there is no evidence of sustained human to human transmission of the bird flu.  In addition, Malone says that the CDC’s website reports a ‘low’ probability and that a 50% fatality rate is nothing but WHO’s ‘unadulterated fear porn.”    

Malone went on to write “PsyWar: Enforcing the New World”. based on his biomedical experiences with American government efforts to direct and deploy propaganda, censorship and psychological ops to manipulate the American public during the Covid pandemic.  

In addition, Malone cited research from a “Biological Espionage” written by Russian scientist Alexander Kozminov who identified similar biowarfare psychological spycraft operations typically deployed during the bioweapon marketing of the Covid pandemic.   

Since November, 2019, when the Covid pandemic was first confirmed, biologic terrorism has surfaced as a new form of war and conflict in which to infect the American public as if a totalitarian attack first came to the American’s public attention during the Covid pandemic.  Psy War offers the history and tactics of Big Pharma’s psychological warfare staged against the American people. 

Today the pharmaceutical industry and its friends in academia prepare to foist another pandemic featuring a Bird Flu threat to once again succumb the American population to the on going menace of a pandemic within a totalitarian society.

Renee Parsons served on the ACLU’s Florida State Board of Directors and as president of the ACLU Treasure Coast Chapter. She has been an elected public official in Colorado, staff in the Office of the Colorado State Public Defender, an environmental lobbyist for Friends of the Earth and a staff member of the US House of Representatives in Washington DC.   


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