Plight of the Cultural Mutant

Our Mutual Plight Shall Be Vindicated

Jack Suss

NOTE: The following was originally published as the Epilogue to my
book, entitled Plight of the Cultural Mutant, published in 2017.
Our Time May Soon Be Here—The Signs Are Clear

How was it that the world had become for me an impenetrable place in which to find a foothold? Why was a sensible career just always beyond my grasp? These questions swirled around and hounded this cultural mutant, together with the larger context of the nature of that world. Such fundamental questions (not to be confused, though inextricably intertwined with, the “big questions”) confounded me.

My circuitous route through life in USA, Inc. has been “rough and rocky, and it’s made me hard-boiled” (Roosevelt Sykes). In retrospect, I wonder whether having a very Jewish-sounding name (“Jonathan David Suss”) has been the bane of my existence, as in that old Johnny Cash song, A Boy Named Sue. Those having an aversion to Jews avoided me, or, once Jews discovered I was not one of the tribe, the “Chosen People,” they would have nothing to do with me. In fact, the name “Suss” is a Lebanese Christian-derived surname, and the ethnic origins on my mother’s side are German (Lutheran) and Irish-Catholic. If I wanted to, I could join the Sons of the American Revolution—if I were a joiner, that is.  

My Roman Catholic upbringing left a strong imprint on my psyche. After years of parochial school, for two more years I attended a Jesuit college preparatory high school in D.C., Gonzaga, where I learned a smattering of Latin and Greek. I kept that curious Jesuit flame alive by completing my undergraduate studies at Loyola University in New Orleans (from which I ducked out to the French Quarter to play the piano and sing the blues as Stubby Knuckles).  

Gradually I came to a better understanding of these strange Jesuitical creatures and their role in the corrupt Roman Church. Indeed, it is now difficult to find any major faith that has not been thoroughly corrupted, as the independent author and intrepid researcher, Michael Hoffman, has well-documented in his truth-telling mission. (See, M. Hoffman, and Still, I kept on a bent-and-twisted-though-straight-and-narrow spiritual path, despite the temptations of the “Glare,” brought to us by the Aquarian Conspiracy of the ‘60s and early ‘70s. (This socio-cultural ploy lives on today as “progressivism,” viz., self-hating white liberalism nurtured by a cultural Marxist Zio-decadence. Such folks abound in the Washington, D.C. area and at the California Institute of Integral Studies in San Francisco—where I did my doctoral studies—and essentially in all major metropolitan areas.) 

A few years ago I watched the DVD set, The Greatest Story Never Told. This was the icing on the cake for me; we’ve been endlessly drilled with propaganda about the evils of Hitler and Nazism ever since I can remember, and to think otherwise is absolutely taboo. Well, what I discovered from watching this film was that National Socialist Germany represented the last bulwark against Bolshevism (Judaic-controlled Marxist infiltration). The WWII outcome was a last nail in the coffin of the real Europe and an authentic world, soon to be cut-off-at-the knees. Following WWII, with the Zionists firmly ensconced in an actual nation of their own, the long march of cultural Marxism began in earnest and continues today. Boiling us frogs via a strategy of gradualism has now succeeded in the domination of Luciferianism over all the nations of the world. (Yes, Marxism is devil-worship.) 

My values are consonant with those espoused by many traditionalist and nationalist movements. However, mine is a solitary way, while forever hoping that I may someday live and work among like-minded folks doing what has always come naturally to me—working with my hands, writing. 

In the meantime I work anyplace on the planet, contributing what my talents and skills can bring to the mix—i.e., toward any sort of effort that helps to educate and lead humanity in the direction of extricating itself from the Luciferian, counterfeit world that has been closing in on the People, particularly during the past 150 years. (Alas! This mutant, too, has been cut off at the knees.)

I remember 2006 as a watershed year. That was the year I finished my doctoral studies. It was also the year I started to “wake up.” I had been helping a client, an Indian fellow named Chandra, on the title end of a mortgage loan. Chandra was a bright and personable sort of scoundrel, and one day he made what sounded like the most outlandish claim this attorney had ever heard. He asserted that the bank was not lending him any money at all; rather, by his “loan” he was creating the money that the bank then made the pretense of “lending” to him. This, he said, was the basis of “fractional reserve banking” whereby “fiat money” comes into being. That is, he was effectively lending the loan amount to the bank, which held the newly created money on its books as both an asset and a liability. We “borrowers” then have the privilege of repaying the money we create for the banks, with interest! (And despite one’s own religious convictions or the lack thereof, “borrowers” and “lenders” alike become participants in the mortal-sin-that-was-but-now-is-not, called “usury.” See,

More than once, Chandra would refinance his home, reducing his interest rate while taking out equity in the form of cash. And this is what many people were doing during the years of the real estate bubble of the late 1990s and early 2000s. Inflated property values and fast and easy mortgage loans provided capital to homeowners. In this way, certain crafty entrepreneurs like Chandra exploited the System so as to maximize their short-term financial liquidity in order to leverage various “deals.”      

Once this funny-money realization sank in, the cultural mutant found himself on the cusp of a grand adventure. This was the beginning of my journey down that old rabbit hole. And just as Alice discovered, this was to be a Wonderland of never-ending surprises that upturned just about everything I thought I knew about how the world worked. It was also a springboard for delving back in time to explore the ancient moorings of our human existence—a forbidden history that is chock full of unexplained archeological/hominid anomalies, e.g., enigmatic, pre-historical stone monuments throughout the world, skeletons of 15-foot giants, strangely elongated skulls, etc. And the internet was the new hunting ground, providing a feeding frenzy for all sorts of fascinating clues, seemingly far-fetched theories, and the sharing of ideas and evidence among researching sleuth-hounds.

As the years unfolded, the weirdness of the truth got so wacky and so far afield that my mutant state only deepened, broadened, intensified my alienation and sense of separateness from the normative. Indeed, what passed for the norm—materialism, self-absorption, and techno-entrainment—shocked and saddened me. The wholesale acceptance of fear, cowardice, victimhood, white self-hate, guilt, hypocrisy, and perversion—made “palatable” by a warped narrative of political correctness—made me gag, spew and hurl. The cultural mutant went through the following process:

disgust morphed into anger,
anger spawned resentment,
resentment gave rise to grumbling,
grumbling gave way to blaming,
blaming led to outbursts,
outbursts fomented idiotic comeback remarks from sheeple,
idiotic comeback remarks induced disgust, and
disgust once again morphed back into anger. 

This vicious cycle festered in the mutant. It was a gnawing despair—a despair characterized by an absolute inability to understand how most others could be so programmed, so conditioned, so comfortable and asleep as to not apprehend what was as obvious as the noses on their faces => humanity is being controlled, enslaved by psychopaths whose occult mind control is refined to such a diabolically clever degree that its victims are oblivious to their enslavement—or if dimly aware, they have simply become apathetic. True, it took me over 50 years to apprehend the way the world really works. But with so much well-researched information now available on the web and elsewhere there is no excuse for not getting hip to the Matrix-like environment that we all now inhabit.

However, when one is not part of something, one cannot know, definitively and accurately, and with the appropriate perspective, the full nature of that “something.” If one is not privy to an organization at its highest and deepest levels, then one’s knowledge of that organization is incomplete and perhaps erroneous. Instead, a person can only use his or her mind, both its innate abilities and experientially-honed powers of discernment, to observe the actions of entities in order to deduce an approximation of what those entities are all about. Likewise, to clarify the analysis, discernment is filtered through more subtle realms of being—one’s intuition and values. For the reasons stated, though, any conclusions about the “deep state”=> the controllers, their cryptocracy, its servitors and handlers—will be tentative at best; working hypotheses. 

Thus, I cannot claim to know, with any degree of precision and certainty, the exact nature of any “hidden” organizations, exactly who their members are, how they interact with one another, and what they ultimately do (or don’t do) to implement their occult, sociopathic agendas. Why?—because, again, I am not a joiner. I have not been a corporate shill or government drone. I never joined the Freemasons, the Rosicrucians, the Jesuits, the Illuminati, any other elite organization or secret society. I had uneventful stints in the military and the law, never having given myself over entirely to either. In fact, I could never give my all and everything to anything because I always felt that something was amiss, slightly off, not what it purported to be. For me, life is a skeptacle (my word: “a spectacle about which I am dubious”); as the skeptic, was I doomed to a broad-based superficiality-of-effort—to be a generalist doing “big picturism,” in line for the booby prize in life? It sure seemed so, because the actuality of this false reality was very slow to dawn on me. Instead, I kept trying one fruitless path after another in an effort to establish a career—all for naught => my plight.

Before long, this mutant’s despair broadened into outrage, prompted by the same idiotic narrative that is parroted and reinforced by oh-so-authoritative-sounding media personalities (festooned with “happy chatter”) on the radio, TV, and Internet—pundits, economists, educators, scientists, government officials, clergy; all of these blubbering fools are de facto co-opted propagandists who, wittingly or unwittingly, prop up a false reality, a false consciousness—fraudsters and liars all, whose idiot minds fail to grasp how they manipulate by being manipulated into accepting and blabbering a given gospel of deceit, as fed to them by an age-old, Luciferian propaganda machine that is soulless, life-destroying, pure Satanic evil. Yikes!

And who are the causal agents of this evil? Some believe the Vatican and its proxies form an ancient order of evil stretching back to the time of Rome. Many believe there is an evil whose pedigree can be traced further back to Egyptian esoterica and even to Babylon. Often cited as the root cause are particularly warped Judaic supremacist extremists, together with their useful idiot servitors. These servitor demons come in many guises; Freemasons, deluded Christians and Muslims—all are culpable, having been misled and corrupted from within over the ages. All of these evildoers seek to destroy, e.g., the white race, the goyim, the unbelievers, the infidels. What they really seek to destroy is any semblance of tried-and-true tradition, any idea, individual, or faction that resists their New World Order globalist mono-doctrine of diversity, multi-culturalism, and political correctness. And in the process these demons destroy truth, attenuating the life-sustaining goodness and beauty of a planet that is but one in a network of planets comprising a natural, interstellar order of existence (at least that’s my belief about the larger context).

Now I know that, if I could change just three things, these would be on the top of the list:

1.  Eradicate Zionist-controlled central banking and media control by the heirs of the Rothschild dynasty and their servitors.
End the global usury, fiat money and fractional reserve financial system of control by rapacious privateers and many problems would begin straightening themselves out, naturally. Without the false consciousness reinforcement of disinformation, broadcast via mainstream media, Hollywood, and the bias from innumerable foundations and think tanks, the People might start overcoming their brainwashed state of enslavement to the System’s consensual reality and culture trance;

2.  Revamp education by re-instituting the classic Trivium system, enhanced by collaborative learning.
Just because reading, writing and ‘rithmetic went off the rails, thanks to John Dewey and his ilk (brought to us by the Rockefeller syndicate), doesn’t mean we abandon the teaching of the values found in grammar, numbers, language, science, logic and rhetoric. Raising the median-level of education in this way then allows educated individuals to learn from the “grace at the encounter” via collaborative engagement with one another’s thoughts, actions, and ideas. Read, experience, as you incubate ideas and reflect before acting or speaking; movement is life!—this is the essence of learning;

3.  Exhort the People to reinvigorate themselves by embracing more primitive simplicities and immersing themselves in nature and in natural pursuits.
Get rid of your TV; avoid all electronic devices except when essential; maintain an organic plot of land (as the Russian peasant movement does); strive toward self-sufficiency; dig a well; spend time in nature; learn wood or stone-working, ceramics or another Earth-based art or craft; practice being mindful of yourself and the cosmos via some simple way into that still point of being and existence. By swearing off any and all addiction to the digital world of Technocracy, the People can begin to know themselves again; they can grow and cultivate themselves as true human beings: individual sovereigns of their own destinies and that of their particular societies; learn to defend yourself and be ready to do so.

Yes, the past quarter-century proved to be a particularly rough and rocky road for this cultural mutant. From getting on the wrong end of political correctness at St. John’s College, Santa Fe, followed by a confused odyssey as an ESL teacher, a doctoral student, a would-be scholar and poet, pundit and constitutionalist attorney, psychedelic inner space explorer, and blues piano player—and then returning to my boyhood neighborhood only to find it irretrievably morphed and mangled. The confusion experienced during my long odyssey in the wilderness of not-knowing (precisely) the causes of my malaise, has been exhaustively recounted herein. 

And I have become more and more wary of late. I am wary of using the web to feed my own confirmation bias by continually, addictively going to favorite sites and becoming caught up in the drama and narrative being spun there. Sure, the Internet has become the new Fourth Estate, providing more truth than the fake-news that is made-up by the legacy media. But the depth and breadth of online articles, essays, and video clips are telling, in that many of these alt-sites share some central clearing house news source (“central casting”) or are so incestuous of each other’s material it becomes a mutual admiration feed. Most lack the financial resources to do the kind of in-depth investigative journalism to obtain the deep background that real news requires—unless, of course, pieces are written (or videos produced) by former insiders from intelligence agencies whose sympathies subsequently righted themselves. (For example, I have heard that quietly enlightened operatives who still remain active are referred to as “black hats” in the military sector.) In such a case, a news story is a lot more factual and less speculative—at least the facts go as far as the former operative’s clearance had taken him or her. Any deeper than that and we are more likely in the land of “mute knowers.” Such super-elites have no interest in alerting useless eaters and wake-up would-bees by divulging intelligence on public forums or any forum.      

I suppose like many others, I sometimes sit before my computer screen, frozen, wondering where to search for the truth, the real facts and history of the human race, particularly over the past hundred years. I am of the opinion that the web keeps the most deeply sourced intelligence at bay by the controlled opposition method. The truth-tellers are fed just enough to keep them alive in the news-and-entertainment-zoo; half-truths are spun with false narratives to keep the deepest, darkest sources hidden and the whole truth covered up. 

 My discernment still functions to help me sort-out fact from fantasy. Yet even my discernment has been colored by how my consciousness has been programmed and directed over the course of so many years. No doubt others have likely come to this realization and when they reach this point their answer is often suicide. After all, when you have been robbed of your true being, the full heritage of your human nature, you are a mere shadow of your true self—there is nothing but a perceived desolation of the soul. 

Because I am a crippled human, a cultural mutant, my disability consists of being only able to critique the more obvious layers of the conspiracy: the Vatican, Judaic supremacist extremists, intelligence agencies gone amok, and elite, secret societies that exert their covert control. Any Internet-savvy researcher has access to such information now. At least these veils have been lifted, despite the contortions of planted disinformation. 

Being smeared with “-ism” labels and characterized as “-phobic” is the shared burden of truth tellers, at least as much truth as is available to us. And, despite its demoralizing and career-busting effect, it is raising the consciousness of the masses as the layers of lies and distortions are worn down and revealed as propaganda. If that is the best I and others can do, then so be it. It is not a happy undertaking. It is oft times not easy to find humor there either. Still, short of marshaling our self-defense skills, humor and love are our best defenses against any powers, overt or covert, whose main objective is to steal our liberty and goodness and turn us all into automaton-like idiot-slaves.

I have finally been reduced to doing some flunky stints, mostly as a driver and doer of other marginal work, because in this current milieu there simply does not seem to be a “respectable position” available to me. And so, aspiring cultural mutants beware!—this path is not for the faint of heart; it is a lonesome and solitary road and you will be an outcast, exiled no matter where you may go and what you may do. 

But…we still have friends, beauty, music, poetry—these are all worth living for. These all help my soul to soar, even if I am a hobbled mutant whose wings were clipped long ago. 

So be prepared, oh fellow mutants; research, pray, and learn—and may the Force-that-moves-through-all-things be with you always. <= a/k/a God

The author, Jack Suss (a/k/a Wyman Wicket, et al.), maintains a website from which one may access his books, along with synopses of each:


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