WATCH! The Best Christmas & New Year’s Music Celebration Ever Recorded!

The following video presentation, of what is really a two-in-one Christmas and New Year musical celebration, is perhaps the single best performance of its kind anywhere on planet Earth—EVER! Yes, it’s that good … and heart-opening and consciousness-expanding and thoroughly delightful!

Whether you like classical music or not, one cannot helped be moved to tears at different points by this uniquely enthralling and transporting performance by André Rieu’s Johann Strauss Orchestra.  For you hard-asses, pay special attention to all the bagpipe performances.

Now for those who doubt SOTN’s street cred to opine on such sublime and exquisite aspects of cultural refinement, please visit our link on the best classical music selections ever assembled in one post: CLASSICAL MUSIC FAVORITES.

As one watches the following “GREATEST SHOW ON EARTH—EVER!”, it becomes quite clear that there is a very special relationship between the people of Australia and André Rieu.  As it turns out, we just learned today that:

By December 2008, Rieu had achieved his 100th platinum accreditation in Australia and by May 2011, Rieu had sold over $50 million worth of wholesale shipments of his CDs and DVDs in Australia and was the highest-selling music artist in the Australian market between 2006 and 2011.

Now anyone who knows the music business as we do (one of our editors is a music consultant to a Nashville musician), will know that the preceding accomplishment is way over the top … as in unprecedented in any market worldwide.

Which brings us to the real point of this special Holiday Season post.

Truly, music is the universal language.  And, more than ever, it’s the language that needs to be sung from the rooftops, from the mountaintops, and from the tree-tops as never before.

Because, as we all know, the language of politics and economics, religion and diplomacy, finance and academics today has become fraught with falsehood and deception.

However, when a person sings divinely inspired music from their heart, they not only raise their own vibrational frequency, they raise the vibration of those around them as well as the whole environment.

Now here’s the New Year’s kicker that very few folks will never believe came from this reality-wrenching Alt Media platform.

The same aforementioned editor is also an amateur singer and chanting addict.  And, he has the long-time daily habit of singing his brains out and chanting his heart out in his back yard later in the dark evening before he turns in for the night.   After years of doing this, he has periodically reported how all the trees and shrubs, plants and flowers delightfully thrive and exude an extraordinary energy.  Likewise, the neighborhood association, once full of all kinds of problems and thorny conflicts has reached an inexplicable state of peace and cooperation and mutual understanding…even throughout the Covid era.

What’s the essential point?

The global conversation around the globe today needs to be shifted.  And shifted rapidly and radically, YES?!?!?”  So lets do it—NOW!  You know the old saying, and it’s entirely true: Those who sing pray twice”!

KEY POINT: Very few folks are aware of the historical fact that it was the Baby Boomers and their older brothers and sisters from the Beat Generation who are directly responsible for shutting down the Vietnam War.  And, that they were only able to accomplish that unparalleled herculean feat via the profound and pervasive influence of the extremely powerful and moving war protest and peace movement music of the 1960s and 70s.  Yes, that’s right, it was the awesomely inspired MUSIC of that period that enabled the Boomers and Beatniks to effectively terminate that terrible MIC-conducted corporate war—the first time a major war was stopped by a popular movement in world history.  Now think about that … … … and then read this “Clarion Call of the Third Millennium” if you’re so motivated: It’s Time to Galvanize the Body Politic to Revolutionize the American Republic.

Now sit back and enjoy watch this most enjoyable and memorable music extravaganza performed by maestro André Rieu and his very merry band of melodious singers and master musicians.

State of the Nation
January 1, 2025


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