Hey Extortionist, you’re going to jail!

Beware, truth-tellers, of this criminal scam that was just
perped against one of our SOTN authors.

SOTN Editor’s Note: Here’s how this extortion crime is systematically executed by low-life criminals working [indirectly] for the Khazarian banksters and protected by the FBI protection racket.

First, they easily grab your email since the author is a public figure.  Then they perform a simple background check to capture vital data and other pertinent info on their victim.

Next, they insert that data into a form letter that the extortionist then blasts out, probably 500 at a time, hoping that 10% will succumb to the threats for fear of being exposed as a porn addict to their entire email list (which is easily stolen).

What’s particularly funny about the false accusations in the extortionist’s letter posted below is that this SOTN author does not own or use a smartphone.  Nor does he have a camera on his computer (to preclude crimes just like this), which proves the extortionist is a lying con man to boot looking to make a fast $2000.00 via extortion.

Now here is the perp’s email: isoldebroekemeierbiv9@gmail.com.

And here’s his Bitcoin account:

What follows is a copy of the redacted letter:

The bottom line here, of course, is:

“Hey Extortionist, you’re going to jail!” 

…because our hardcore cyber-crackerjacks are gonna track you down by your email address and meta data, as well as by your Bitcoin account—STUPID!!!

State of the Nation
October 27, 2024

N.B. The preceding extortion letter received on Oct. 26, 2024 has been redacted of all personal information for obvious reasons.

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